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Celebrati i funerali del Card. Piovanelli e reso pubblico testamento spirituale

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Celebrati i funerali del Card. Piovanelli e reso pubblico testamento spirituale

Rivestito con la casula bianca, riccamente ricamata, dell’ordinazione sacerdotale del suo segrerario, Mons. Luigi Innocenti, la salma del Cardinale Silvano Piovanelli con tanto di Mitria Damascata, Pastorale, e calzini rossi porpora, from hours 20,10 Tuesday 12 July “partecipa” alle messe celebrate nella Cattedrale fiorentina dalla cripta degli Arcivescovi defunti, dove le sue spoglie mortali sono […]

Festeggiati i 30 anni della parrocchia fiorentina dei Romeni Ortodossi

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Celebrated the 30 years of Romanian Orthodox parish Florentine

Was the 17 December 1984 when Father Peter Coman (Buzau 1940 – Florence 2011) was appointed pastor of Ascension in Florence by His Beatitude Teoctist, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Among a large community of fellow Father Peter, a few years later also appointed librarian of the Theological Faculty of Central Italy the Roman Catholic Church - this office […]

Vescovo Siluan a Firenze per 30 anni parrocchia romena

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Bishop Siluan in Florence 30 years Romanian parish

Interview of Bishop Franco Mariani Siluan, Head of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Italy, realized on the occasion of his visit to Florence for the official celebrations held to celebrate the 30 years of Romanian parish in Florence having their church in Costa San Giorgio. Clicking direct connection with Article on the celebrations that were held Thursday 29 […]