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Firenze: mille nuovi posti di lavoro. Ingegneri, specialisti web e tecnici i profili più richiesti

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Florence: thousand new jobs. Engineers, web specialists and technicians profiles Popular

A thousand new jobs by 17 large companies operating on the Florence area in the next five years is the result of research conducted by the City and the Chamber of Commerce of Florence and Confindustria, presented at the Palazzo Vecchio in the Committee of large enterprises City subway, coordinated by Fabrizio Landi, economic adviser […]

Bargello, il primo museo che “dialoga” coi visitatori

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Bargello, the first museum that "dialogues" with visitors

New at the National Museum of the Bargello, that in three months makes 150 years. For several days in the Hall of Donatello - where there are countless masterpieces - was installed "Mnemosyne", a highly innovative system that aims to offer the visitor an emotional experience, both for a greater understanding of the works, either to avoid […]

Aumento tassa di soggiorno: Stop di Federalberghi Firenze

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Increased tourist tax: Stop Federalberghi Florence

"In our hotels in a year 6,776 million visitors: as it would make the City increased by 50 cents per night? And as it would be used this treasure?"The President will ask Bechi a meeting with the commissioners of Tourism and the Budget, you say: "Ready to dialogue". “Ci siamo dichiarati e restiamo fortemente contrari all’applicazione […]

Piaggeliadi 2015: la mini-olimpiade tra scuole

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Piaggeliadi 2015: the mini-Olympics among schools

Was the 28 March 1995 when the torchbearer Moussa Fall, athlete distance runner who competes for AXIS Bank Tuscany, winner a few months before the silver medal at the European Indoor Championships, entered the old stadium Brozzi, accompagnato da quasi 400 children, that with the torch created for the occasion symbolically lit the brazier, giving factual, […]

L’Archivio Storico del Comune

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The Historical Archive of the City

The Historical Archive of the City of Florence preserves, as core, all documents produced and received by the local Florentine from its origins to today. "A documentary heritage immense - underlines the President of the Culture and Sport Maria Federica Giuliani - who photographs and tells us about our city. A place that the Florentines should rediscover ". […]

Domenica 14 al Four Season open day natalizio

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Sunday 14 open day at the Four Seasons Christmas

Sunday 14 December, in the city's largest private garden, that of the Four Seasons Hotel Firenze, will host the seventh edition of the Open Day in favor of the Institute of the Innocents. It is now one of the most anticipated in view of the holiday season, capace di unire il piacere di una giornata in compagnia di famiglia e amici ad […]

SS. Annunziata, via al progetto per il restauro della facciata e del loggiato della Basilica

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SS. Annunziata, off the project for the restoration of the façade and the portico of the Basilica

The City Council approved a resolution that confirms the acceptance of a donation of 300.000 € from a private to the City of Florence for the restoration of the facade of the Basilica of the Santissima Annunziata and fountain located on the west side of the square. The other fountain, located on the east side, è già da qualche mese in […]