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Intervista ad Antonio Paolucci direttore dei Musei Vaticani

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Intervista ad Antonio Paolucci direttore dei Musei Vaticani

Antonio Paolucci, attuale Direttore dei Musei Vaticani, Ministro tecnico ai Beni Culturali nel governo Dini, è stato nominato nel 2007 da Papa Benedetto XVI, ma già Papa Giovanni Paolo II lo voleva nel 1996. Prof. Paolucci, alla fine il Vaticano è riuscito ad accaparrarsi i suoi servigi? “Già nel 1996, appena finita la mia esperienza […]

Da oggi la Terrazza di Michelangelo

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Now the Michelangelo's Terrace

La Terrazza di Michelangelo, weekly news and culture in Florence, recorded at the Court of Florence, starts from today its publications. A publishing project which aims to enhance the excellence of our territory. To realize this project I called as Director the journalist Franco Mariani sure, in the face of his thirty years of experience in journalism, will transform the ordinary […]

Domenica 19: 100ma Giornata Mondiale Immigrati

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Sunday 19: 100But immigrants ' Day

All day Sunday that multiethnic 19 January when the Archdiocese of Florence will celebrate 100ma world day for migrants. "A good opportunity – writes in the letter of invitation from the Director of the Diocesan Office Migrantes, Father Stefano Messina – to reflect on the problem of refugees and migrants in its entirety and its spillover […]

Beato grazie al ns Direttore

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Blessed with ns Director

Between curiosie a news about our Director, Frank Mariani, It takes its cue from that press release in September by the Press Office of the Holy See, or the signature, by Papa Francesco, the Decree on the heroic virtues of the servant of God Pius Alberto Del Corona, Titular Archbishop of Sardica, former Bishop of San Miniato, Founder of […]