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In Piazza il Presepe del Quartiere 2

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In the Manger Square Quarter 2

A Villa Arrivabene, headquarters of District 2 City of Florence, was inaugurated Monday 8 December, the Nativity in the square, brainchild Group Donatello. The representation of the Nativity, with silhouettes in size wooden, was placed in past years in Piazzale Donatello, ma lo scorso anno fu rubato il Gesù Bambino […]

Nella Chiesa di S. Carlo il guanto insanguinato di Padre Pio

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In the Church of S. Charles the bloodied glove of Padre Pio

Among the specialties offered by the Church of San Carlo in via Calzaiuoli in Florence, surely one of the most interesting is the permanent exhibition of a glove belonged to Saint Padre Pio. It is exposed on the right wall, in a special reliquary, for direct veneration by the faithful. The relic was donated by the sculptor […]