Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts»Florence (Nplooj ntawv 21)

Sindaco Nardella convoca 19 Ambasciatori per far rinascere Firenze dopo il Coronavirus

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Tus kav nroog Nardella summons 19 Ambassadors rau reborn Florence tom qab Coronavirus

"Florence lawm nes mas hais Ius rau ntiaj teb. Peb twb tau raug tau hnov los ntawm 19 Delegations, ua los ntawm ambassadors thiab deputy ambassadors ntawm lub teb chaws tseem ceeb tshaj plaws nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb. Qhov no muab peb zoo kawg thiab paub tseeb hais tias ib zaug dua cov xim thiab hwm tias muaj yog thoob ntiaj teb ntawm peb lub nroog thiab the Thecany thaj av ntawd". Nws hais tias nws hais tias nws […]

Riapre ai visitatori la Basilica di San Lorenzo

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St. Lawrence Basilica reopens rau qhua

Dua li ntawm cov kev tswj thiab nyom economic, ze ntawm qhov teeb meem no tshiab, cov Laurentian Medici Opera, St. Lawrence Parish, nrog lub tswv yim ntawm cov Cooperative Opera d'Arte, uas muaj entrusted nrog rau cov kev pab ntawm cov kev pab thiab txais tos qhua, pom zoo rau ib reorganisation thiab reorganisation cov kev pab cuam, rov qhib lag luam daim Medici qhua txoj, […]

Consegnati i Fiorini d’Oro di Firenze per la festa del Patrono San Giovanni Battista

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Tauj qhov Golden paj ntawm Florence rau cov Patron neeg dawb huv John lub tsiab peb caug tus Baptist

Tus neeg loj loj rau 24 Lub rau hli ntuj, rau lub Patron ntawm Florence dawb huv, St. John Baptist rau hauv Piazza raug Croce nrog cov neeg sawv cev nrog rau ntawm lub football historic thiab cov procession keeb kwm ntawm cov koom pheej Florentine, leej twg them tribute rau cov kws kho mob, Cov "nurse", Kho mob, Lub regional health services thiab cov tuaj pab dawb rau cov neeg uas tuaj pab dawb txog kev tiv thaiv Civil of Municipality of Municipality […]

Festa del Patrono San Giovanni: Solenne Pontificale in Duomo del Cardinale Betori

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Tsiab peb caug tus neeg dawb huv Patron John: Papal Solemn Cardinal Betori Cathedral

Lub neej ntawm St. John lub Baptist, on the occasion of patron lub hnub, San Giovanni Battista, tauj sawv ntxov cov 24 txib kom cov tub ceev xwm hauv Florence nyob rau lub rau hli ntuj uas reproduces tus duab cim qhia dawb huv uas muaj tuaj hauv lub painting lossis duab puab, hauv ib qhov ntawm tej hauj lwm, ua ntev, tus zoo nkauj ntawm daim duab Renaissance. La Croce di […]

Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2020: Quadri per un San Giovanni solidale

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Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2020: Paintings rau ib Solidarity St. John

Tus 24 Lub rau hli ntuj, Patron lub hnub ntawm lub nroog, Cov keeb kwm Football thiab cov Parade keeb kwm ntawm lub Florentine koom pheej yuav them tribute rau lub worlds huv thiab txoj kev pab uas qhov 'St. John Solidarity'. Qhov kev tshwm sim, ncaav tau los ntawm lub Department ntawm nrov sawv coj los Andrea Vannucci, Yuav muaj caij nyoog rau lub nroog los qhia nws cov gratitude thiab […]

Messa del Cardinale Betori al cimitero di Firenze per i morti del Coronavirus

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Cardinal Betori pawg ntawm Florence tojntxas rau cov neeg tuag Coronavirus

Lub Archbishop ntawm Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori presided nyob rau hnub Saturday tav su 20 Lub rau hli ntuj ib kev ua koob tsheej nyob rau hauv lub tojntxas ntawm lub nroog Florence, Trespiano, rau entrust kom tus tswv txhua tus tuag lawm, feem ntau yog cov neeg raug dag hais txog tus kab mob Coronavirus. Ntawm lub ceremony, nce rau ntawm tus municipality, Kawm los ntawm tus Banner ntawm lub nroog ntawm Florence teev nyob mourning […]

Cardinale Betori processione Corpus Domini 2020 al tempo del Coronavirus

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Cardinal Betori procession Corpus Christi 2020 thaum lub sijhawm tus Coronavirus

Cardinal Giuseppe Betori tus txwj nrog tus dawb huv Sacrament ntawm lub cathedral churchyard, mus txog lub nroog thiab lub diocese: li ntawd, nyob rau Florence yog lom Solennity Corpus Christi Sunday 14 Lub rau hli ntuj 2020, muaj lub procession los ntawm txoj kev lub nroog qub thaum muaj xwm ceev Coronavirus txiav kev. Qhov kawg ntawm lub pontifical, […]

All’Ippodromo del Visarno edizione speciale della mostra/mercato Visarno Market

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Thaum lub Visarno Racecourse tshwj xeeb ib tsab ntawm lub lag luam Visarno exhibition/kev ua lag luam

Tom qab forfeit dhau lub peb hlis ntuj vim yog lub coronavirus ceev li ceev tau, Visarno kev ua lag luam rov nrog ib "tshwj xeeb tsab" nyob rau lub caij ntuj sov version, Txij li hnub Friday 26 Tshav 28 Lub rau hli ntuj hauv lub Visarno Racecourse nyob Florence. Visarno kev ua lag luam yog cov eldorado ntawm tag nrho cov rooj tog zaum enthusiasts, nyiaj-kub thiab khaub ncaws uas xuas tes ua, yam khoom zoo heev rau yav tag los, duab arts thiab […]

24 giugno: per il Patrono niente fochi causa Coronavirus ma tanti eventi con Torino e Genova

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24 Lub rau hli ntuj: rau lub Patron tsis muaj phosphores ua Coronavirus tab sis ntau txheej xwm uas muaj Turin thiab Genoa

Mus ua ntej lub sij hawm peb lub zos Italian, Turin, Genoa thiab Florence, United yog tus dawb huv tib protector, condivideranno i festeggiamenti del patrono e lo faranno insieme attraverso un’unica piazza virtuale. Wednesday, 24 Lub rau hli ntuj, a seguito delle misure di contenimento dell’emergenza sanitaria Covid-19 e nel rispetto del distanziamento sociale e del divieto di assembramento, le consuete celebrazioni […]

Riapre il Museo de’ Medici di Palazzo Sforza Almeni

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Cov tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm kws kho mob uas Palazzo Sforza Almeni reopens

Hnub vas xaum 20 giugno riapre al pubblico il Museo de’ Medici di Palazzo Sforza Almeni, in via dei Servi 12 nyob rau hauv Florence, con un evento speciale su prenotazione: tom 18: i visitatori avranno l’opportunità di partecipare a una visita del museo guidati dal direttore Samuele Lastrucci, alla fine della quale potranno assistere ad una performance […]