Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts»Florence (Nplooj ntawv 73)

Riapre fino al 16 luglio la Manifattura Tabacchi grazie ad una mostra

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Rov qhib kom txog 16 Lub Xya hli ntuj lub Hoobkas luam yeeb nrog ib saib

Rov qhib lub Manifattura Tabacchi Florence rau ntawm della Cascine 5, thiab muaj lub caij, exceptional, ntawm 8 rau 16 Lub Xya hli ntuj yog lub exhibition photographic "yeeb Monopoly. Npau suav ncaim nyob haus luamyeeb". "Nws yog ib qho chaw impressive heev, Tus hlub nyob rau hauv lub tswv yim nrov ntawm cov Florentines. Muaj ib aroused xav ntau – hais tias cov thawj coj ntawm tsev kawm ntawv 1 Maurizio Sguanci […]

I film in sala giovedì 29 giugno

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Thursday Chaav tsos 29 Lub rau hli ntuj

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 29 Lub rau hli ntuj koj zoo kawg uas nyiam: Yeebyam Director: Sean Penn Starring: Charlize Theron, Javier Bardem, Jean Reno, Adèle Exarchopoulos, Jared of Kareene Hansen, Sibo Mlambo, Hopper Penn, Ebby Weyime, Bronwyn Reed, Irina Miccoli tus romance ntawm tus […]

Venerdì 30 la prima semifinale de La Fabbrica della Comicità.com

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Friday, 30 tus thawj tsib semifinal Comicità.com koom xwm

Tus comic duo Tres Femme ntawm Rome, Ruben Split ntawm Brescia, lub comic duo Nick and Derik of Cascina (Pisa), Nico Pelosini ntawm Livorno, Silvio Maharaj ntawm Naples, Iury caij nplooj ntoos hlav hauv Milan, Francesca Dolcino ntawm Milan, Marco Montaldo nyob Genoa, Cov Impunity Arezzo thiab Fabio Gale ntawm Turin, yog tus neeg hauv thawj kaum […]

Il primo anno del Museo degli Innocenti

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Thawj xyoo ntawm lub tsev khaws puav pheej Foundling

Uas siv txog ntau dua 80 txhiab tsom hauv 11 hli lub tsev khaws puav pheej Foundling lom nws ntsis rau 24 lub rau hli ntuj tas los no, thiab nws ua nws los overcoming tug cwj pwm ntawm chav nyob txhiab 20. Cov pov thawj ntawm tus muaj zog sib txuas los ntawm cov Florentines thiab rau lub koom haum thiab tej yam txaus siab qhov uas nws yog greeted uas qhov rov qab thov dua no […]

Consegnati 10 Fiorini d’oro a illustri personalità ed associazioni fiorentine

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Tauj 10 Kub florins illustrious personalities thiab cov koom haum ua teb ntawm Florence

Tommasino Bacciotti Foundation txoj kev uas nws hais rau tus zov, kev pab thiab cov xwm txheej ntawm cov hlav lub hlwb thaum yau; Virgilio Sieni, choreographer, ua las voos thiab founder ntawm 1992 cov Compagnia Virgilio Sieni; rau lub koom haum British, celebrates twg lub xyoo no 100 ib; Buddhi Raj, tus tub ceev xwm kiag uas lub 7 lub peb hlis ntuj hnub nws dived mus rau lub Arno […]

Andrea e Anna, Rossi e Bianchi: i nomi e cognomi più diffusi a Firenze

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Andrew thiab Anna, Liab thiab dawb: lub tshaj qhia cov npe thiab cov surnames hauv Florence

Heev tshaj pojniam lub npe nyob rau hauv Florence no Andrea, qhov tseeb yog li lub npe 5.191 cov neeg, Marco ntawd yuav (4.844) thiab Alexander nrog rau (4.720). Cov pojniam yeej Anna nrog 3.504 cov neeg, Frances nrog ntawd yuav 3.496 mab liab nrog 3.441, uas nyob rau hauv ib xyoos muaj dua los ntawm tus thawj rau peb qhov chaw. Cov menyuam yaus […]

La nuova stagione del Teatro Verdi di Firenze

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Lub caij ntuj tshiab ntawm Teatro Verdi hauv Florence

THIAB’ Yog hais cov daim ntawv loj loj 2017-18 lub Teatro Verdi hauv Florence. Qhov kev nthuav qhia kawm: Claudio Bertini thiab Giovanni Vernassa rau Antico Teatro Pagliano, lub tuam txhab ntawm 20 xyoo tswj lub tsev ua yeeb yam lub caij; Philip Dini, Thawj coj ntawm lub inaugural qhia "rog ntawm lub Roses"; Ahmed Saad, koom xwm rau Pirandello. 20TH CAIJ TEATRO VERDI […]

VIDEO Calcio Storico Fiorentino: finale tra Rossi – Bianchi del torneo 2017

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VIDEO Calcio Storico Fiorentino: kawg nkaus ntawm Raja – Ntsiab ntawm kev sib tw 2017

Rau 6 hunts tiv thaiv 5 hunts thiab ib nrab yeej txoj kev sib tw 2017 Keeb kwm football Florentine ntsiab Santo Spirito uas tuav cov reds uas raug Maria Novella. Ib qhov zoo, daim ntawv qhia txog ntau cov chaw txhaj tshuaj scene, tsis manly kom tshaj li qub, Txawm tias muaj qee lub sijhawm uas nws, tiam sis yeej nyob hauv cov style raws tus tshiab […]

VIDEO Fochi di San Giovanni Patrono di Firenze 2017

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VIDEO Fochi di San Giovanni patron ntawm Florence 2017

Neeg dawb huv John lub tsiab peb caug, Patron of Florence, foob pob hluav taws me zaub uas muab los ntawm lub koom txoos hauv St John Baptist rau ntawm lub zos thiab ua los ntawm Piazzale Michelangelo, cov video footage los ntawm cov hav dej Arno. Video footage ntawm foom Lai Peng. Foom Lai Peng ntawm tus xov tooj 165 – Xyoo IV 28/6/2017

Visite alla Torre di San Niccolò e per la prima volta al Baluardo a San Giorgio

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Visit Torre di San Niccolò thiab thawj zaug nyob George Bastion neeg dawb huv

Raws li cov lus qhib rau pej xeem ntawm Torre San Niccolò, tshwm sim 2011, thiab cov in view of loj loj pej xeem zoo ntawd rov qhib lag luam Torre della Zecca thiab Porta Romana lawm, ib lub 2017 peb tes num ntawm valorization qhov rooj thiab yees. Pib tom ntej 24 Lub rau hli ntuj, e fino […]