Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts»Florence (Nplooj ntawv 75)

15 giugno ore 16,30: Comune inaugura la Via Cardinale Florit

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15 May h 16,30: Ib qho ntawm Cardinal Florit Unveils

Lub nroog Florence npaj mus kav solemn homage los Cardinal Ermenegildo Florit, Nws tuaj txog hauv Florence hauv 1955 raws li Coadjutor ntawm tus ntug dej hiav txwv, qhov Archbishop ntawm Florence los 1962 al 1977 thiab no tuag 8 hlis ntuj nqeg 1985, solemnity ntawm cov Immaculate Conception. Yuav nws npe hu ua ib ke kiag, ib Brozzi, neeg zej zog txoj kev xaiv los ntawm municipality rau […]

Al via il torneo del Calcio storico con nuovi palloni

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Kev sib tw keeb kwm football kicks rho tawm hauj lwm nrog khoom tshiab

Nyob rau kev sib tw 2017 Keeb kwm Florentine football xyoo no, Tsaug rau lub craftsmen ntawm Treia, yuav siv cov tshiab muaj me ntsis txhawj txog cov thaws tab sis lawv cov players khoom – Nws hais tias qhov kev ua si nawv Councilor Andrea Vannucci “Kuv yog convinced, nrog me ntsis ntawm txoj kev kawm uas yuav tau siv nws nyob zoo". Ua pob […]

In quindici anni triplicati gli ultracentenari fiorentini

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Nyob rau hauv kaum tsib xyoos, tripled tus centenarians fiorentini

Florence yog ib lub coos thiab yog lub nroog peev ntawm thaj av ntawd nrog ntau tshaj yog cov centenarians in relation to pejxeem. Ntawm 2001 al 2016 tus centenarians no xwb yuav luag tripled, ntawm 72 ntawm 2001 mus 210 qhov kawg ntawm 2016, Tom qab kov raug tus siab kawg 242 nyob rau hauv 2014. Qhov kawg ntawm […]

A Firenze il 9 giugno il Forum Mondiale sulla Giustizia

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Nyob rau hauv Florence rau 9 Lub rau hli ntuj lub ntiaj teb rooj sab laj txog kev ncaj ncees

Muaj dab tsis xwb nws yog tshuaj Hmoob. Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog thaum twg koj tus kheej rau banking sib cog lus, khoom, affitti e condominio, la giustizia alternativa è entrata nelle abitudini degli italiani. Infatti sono sempre di più le imprese e i cittadini convinti che risolvere un contenzioso con la mediazione al posto della causa civile sia un metodo rapido ed efficiente. Nyob rau hauv xovtooj, […]

Vergognose le barriere di sicurezza su Ponte Santa Trinita

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Deplorable kev nyab xeeb tej ntawm tus Ponte raug Trinita

Ntsib ntau tourists rau daredevils uas tsis yig nce cov "cones" ntawm Ponte raug Trinita ib selfie los yog bivouac, xam pom lub municipality, raws li lub tsev kawm ntawv, Txhim kho "tej" kev pab tiv thaiv. Qhov chaw ua hauj lwm muaj nqi them zoo 7.500 euro. Tus “barriere” cov hlau, uas ntev obviously xeb, thiab muaj […]

I film in sala da giovedì 1 giugno

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Chav dej tsos hnub plaub 1 Lub rau hli ntuj

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 1 giugno xav Genere poj niam: Azione, Fantascienza Regia: Mai Jenkins cam khwb cia: GAL Gadot, Chris Pine, Elena Anaya, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen, David Thewlis, Lucy Davis, Ewen Bremner, Danny Huston, Saïd Taghmaoui, Samantha Jo, Puav Lisa Loven Kongsli […]

Concerti e spettacoli dell’autunno 2017

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Concerts thiab qhia txog lub caij nplooj zeeg 2017

Florence npaj rau lub caij ntuj sov uas nws kim heev hauv suab paj nruag thiab Rev koj xyaw rau lub caij nplooj zeeg promises coj cwj pwm: Lambert, Gianna Nannini, Biagio Antonacci, Massimo Ranieri, James Blunt thiab Fabri Fibra. Tsis txhob qhia qhov no rau musicals los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv xws li "Tus mob Rocky ntshai heev qhia" thiab "Mamma Mia ob!”, thiab cov spectacular "Symphony ntawm tus […]

150 anni della Banda “G. Rossini”: concerto gratuito al Teatro dell’Opera 1 giugno

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150 xyoo tus neeg loj leeb “G. Rossini”: pub dawb kev hais kwv txhiaj ntawm tsev Opera 1 Lub rau hli ntuj

Noj peb caug 150 xyoo lub Philharmonic Rossini, Thursday, 1 thaum lub sij hawm 21 Florence num zoo siab txais tos cov Philharmonic Theatre thiab opens lub qhov rooj rau tus Florentines mus nquam paj nquam nruas ua ke; yog pub dawb. "Ua ib qho tseem ceeb-underlines thawj coj ntawm lub Committee nyuas thiab kev ua si nawv Marie Friederike Garcia – rau lub Philharmonic […]

Video della presentazione al Cestello del libro sul Calcio Storico Fiorentino

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Yees duab hauv lub pob tawb ntawm phau ntawv rau cov historic Florentine football nthuav

Daim ntawv qhia txog kev yees duab nthuav txog hnub plaub 25 Ntuj los Theatre Parker phau ntawv pob tawb “Nws tseem tsis tau muaj kev ua si rau txhua leej txhua tus, dab neeg lub neej, kick thiab nthee”, luam tawm los ntawm Ferrymen. Nthuav, nrog tus sau, tham nrog lub taub hau ntawm nrov kwvhuam Vadnais, tus Chairman of Calcio storico fiorentino Michele Panton, thawj coj ntawm lub […]

I film in sala da giovedì 25 maggio

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Chav dej tsos hnub plaub 25 tej zaum

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 25 Tej zaum pirates ntawm Caribbean – Salazar cov kua zaub ntsuab ib hom ntawv nyeem: Azione, Avventura Regia: Joachim Rønning, Espen Sandberg Starring: Johnny Depp, Kaya Scodelario, Brenton Thwaites, Orlando tawg, Javier Bardem, Geoffrey Rush, David Wenham, Stephen Graham, Martin Klebba, […]