Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts»Florence (Nplooj ntawv 80)

In piazza Beccaria esposto il primo totem in Italia “Tim City Link”

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Nyob rau hauv piazza Beccaria raug thawj ncej totem nyob ltalis “Hawm nroog Link”

Nws hu ua "Hawm nroog Link" thiab qib yog tus thawj pej xeem saib ua ntej hnub no nyob hauv Florence cov totem nationally. Tej ribbon ntawm tus tshiab multimedia chaw nres tsheb uas hlauv taws xob tshwm sim nyob ib puag ncig Lorenzo Perra square Beccaria, Councillor rau ntawm tus Comune di Firenze Innovation, thiab Marco Sanza, […]

Forze Armate a Firenze: celebrata la Pasqua con il Cardinale Betori

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Rog nyob rau hauv Florence: lom cov Passover muaj Cardinal Betori

Ntawm lub thaj neeb ntawm Santissima Annunziata nyob Florence, Muaj ib Paschal kev ua koob tsheej rau ntawm pob qij tub rog lub tsev teev ntuj officiated los Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence. Ib qhov caij recollection thiab nws tus neeg sawv cev ntawm tus rog thiab armed corps ntawm lub xeev. Cov cardinal rau lub ntsiab ntawm Easter: “Una sola […]

I nuovi cartelli dei giardini pubblici

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Tej cim lub vaj tsev tshiab

Pib txhim kho tshiab pej xeem tu ntawm Florence 350 tej yam tshwm sim qhia. Yam ntxwv twb ua vim yog muaj cua ntsawj ntshab twv los ntawm cov kws txawj Directorate nyob ntawm Palazzo Vecchio, uas txo nws hwj cov ntsiab lus nraaj dua cov lyrics ua tau tej yam yooj yim thiab intuitive. Nrog cov tsos mob yuav hloov cov tseem backups lawm […]

Gli orari di Pasqua e Pasquetta dei Musei Civici Fiorentini

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Sij hawm Easter thiab Easter hnub Monday txog rau Musei Civici Fiorentini

Cov sij hawm Easter thiab Easter hnub Monday txog rau musei civici fiorentini: Tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm Palazzo Vecchio Easter teev 9.00 – 23.00 Easter teev 9.00 – 23.00 Teev Torre Easter 9.00 – 21.00 (ntawv tshem tawm thaum los nag) Tsev khaws puav pheej 20th xyoo pua Easter teev 11.00 – 20.00 Easter teev 11.00 – 20.00 Raug Maria Novella Easter teev […]

Omelia del Cardinale Betori ai politici fiorentini per la Pasqua 2017

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Cov Cardinal Betori Florentine politicians rau Easter homily 2017

Li qub txhua xyoo, ua ntej lub limtiam dawb huv, cov Archbishop Florence ntsib politicians thiab Catholics muab kev koom tes hauv lub neej kev noj peb caug nrog lawv cov Paschal precept. Tsuas tias xyoo no cov dawb huv pawg, nyob rau hauv cov chapel ntawm Archbishop lub Palace lom, Nws yog “ntsib” nrog koj mus Florence cov lub National Secretary ntawm tus […]

Fotogallery visita fiorentina di Carlo e Camilla

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Photo Gallery xyuas fiorentina Charles thiab Camilla

Photogallery of Florence mus xyuas Charles thiab Camilla, Txij li thaum lawv tuaj txog rau Florence thaum noj hmo gala nrog rau hauv lub lag luam ntawm lub nroog nyob hauv lub Salone dei Cinquecento nyob Palazzo Vecchio, tsis txhob qhia qhov no mus rau lub Uffizi, lub Vasari txoj kev hauv tsev, nyob rau hauv Piazza Duomo, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Cov Florence Caritas, lub koom haum Arcobaleno. La Redazione Dal […]

Grandi lavori in Palazzo Vecchio

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Tej hauj lwm hauv Palazzo Vecchio zoo kawg thiab

"Lub Commission nyuas thiab kev ua si nawv," piav rau thaum muaj kev sib txuas lus sawv daws President Maria Federica Garcia – ua, hnub tsis ntev los no, mus ntsib nrog tus thawj coj ntawm tus Palazzo Vecchio mus ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv lub tsev uas yuav muaj cuam tshuam los ntawm tej yaam num loj dhau tsib lub hlis tom ntej no mus tsis tu ncua. Verranno ampliati gli […]

A Firenze la prima conferenza europea sulla prevenzione degli abusi sui minori nella Chiesa

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Nyob hauv Florence cov thawj lwm kev sib tham nrog rau kev tiv thaiv txog kev tsim txom me nyuam nyob rau hauv lub tsev teev ntuj

Yog nyob rau hauv Florence hauv lub tsev hauv paus rau lub Theological kws qhia ntawv ntawm Central ltalis thawj nyob sab Europe sablaj rau kev tiv thaiv txog kev tsim txom me nyuam txoj cai: “Kev kawm txog kev tiv thaiv. Piv qhov txawv le caag uas muaj rau pej xeem thiab puas hawv kev tshuaj xyuas seminaries". Cov kev tshwm sim ob hnub ntawd ncaav tau los ntawm cov Archdiocese of Florence koom teg rau qhov Centre rau kev tiv thaiv […]

Via Cardinale Florit: ok della Giunta comunale

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Ntawm Cardinal Florit: OK rau sawv daws hauv lub zos

Sarà dedicata al cardinale Ermenegildo Florit la strada che collega via San Martino a Brozzi con via Curzio Malaparte, Hnub no lub lwm axis rau ntawm dei Cattani. Lo ha deciso la giunta di Palazzo Vecchio dando il via libera alla proposta presentata dall’assessore alla Toponomastica Andrea Vannucci. “Un gesto simbolico per mantenere viva in città la memoria […]

La visita del Cardinale Tagle a Firenze

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Qhov mus saib ntawm Cardinal Tagle nyob Florence

Hnub Wednesday tuaj xyuas hauv Florence, kom, ntxov ib lub rooj sib tham ntawm sab ntsuj plig uas muaj kev Zwj fiorentino, Thaum tav su nws lom pawg dawb huv nyob hauv lub Basilica of San Lorenzo rau cov zej zog neeg Filipino loj, lub Archbishop Manila thiab President of Caritas Internationalis, Philippines Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle. Yeeb yaj duab thiab duab txog […]