Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts»Florence (Nplooj ntawv 84)

San Valentino, al Piazzale Michelangelo un grande cuore per dire “ti amo” a Firenze

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Valentine hnub, Piazzale Michelangelo ib lub plawv loj hais "Kuv hlub koj" nyob rau hauv Florence

Anche il piazzale Michelangelo ha festeggiato San Valentino inaugurando il primo tratto delle nuove balaustre, completamente rinnovate dopo un restauro, e con una grande aiuola floreale al centro dello spazio pedonalizzato un anno fa: al centro della composizione verde un grande cuore con scritto “amo Firenze”, omaggio alla festa degli innamorati ma anche alla città. […]

Firenze dona uno scuolabus al Comune terremotato di Cittareale

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Florence muab ib lub tsheb thauj mus kawm ntawv kom raug raws li txoj cai sib cav ntawm Cittareale

Tus cob moos Dario Nardella tso cov pej xeem thawj Cittareale (Rieti), Francesco Nelli, lub tsheb thauj mus kawm ntawv los ntawm 32 rooj zaum muas tau nyiaj tsa ceg lub hli no. Nws lub taub hau kev tiv thaiv txog Alessia Bettini thiab tus manager saib xyuas paub txog cov plaub caij Hotel Florence Patrick Cervantes. Rau txoj kev koom tes los ntawm cov municipality ntawm Florence (giunta, […]

I film in sala da giovedì 9 febbraio

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Chav dej tsos hnub plaub 9 Lub ob hlis ntuj

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 9 Lub ob hlis ntuj TSIBCAUG ntxoov dub ib hom ntawv nyeem: Yeebyam, Romantic Director: James Foley Starring: Dakota Johnson, Kim Basinger, Jamie Dornan, Hugh Dancy, Eric Johnson, Marcia Gay Harden, Jennifer Ehle, Luvkas Grimes, Xwsli Rita, Victor Rasuk, Eloise Mumford thaum ib tug […]

Criteri direttivi e indirizzi programmatici nei Quartieri approvati dal Consiglio comunale

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Guiding txoj cai thiab npaj tau chaw nyob uas tso cai los ntawm lub cheeb tsam City Council

Tus tshiab Governing Criteria nce lub luag hauj lwm thiab kom saib taus presidents thiab koog tsev kawm ntawv, Nrog rau cov neeg zej zog Council uas yog attributed ib fundamental luag hauj lwm ntawm kev taw qhia rau cov kev pab thiab kev nqis peev uas nyob rau hauv txhua sector ntawm kev cuam tshuam ntawm lub koom haum saib xyuas municipal, contrary to dab tsi tshwm sim yav tas los (Cov neeg zej zog uas kaw tsis pub dhau tej "proxies"). Cov neeg zej zog yog xam los ntawm lub koom haum saib xyuas no yuav tsis tshua muaj neeg […]

“Soli Mai”: una rete per aiutare gli anziani soli

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"Tsis txhob nkaus xwb": lub network los pab rau cov laus neeg nyob nyob ib leeg

Khaws lub tuam txhab uas cov neeg laus laus uas nyob rau hauv Florence – txog 32 t txhiab 370 txhiab tus neeg, thiab uas nyob ntawd 15 txhiab 80 Xyoo – yog peb tes num "Soli Mai" tiam sis ntawm cov hlauv taws xob zoo kawg thiab, Nce los ntawm lub Montedomini Foundation nrog rau txoj kev koom tes ntawm lub Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze thiab nrog rau cov […]

L’ex Caserma di Costa San Giorgio trasformata in struttura storico-ricettiva

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Tus qub Barracks rau Costa San Giorgio txia ntshis ua historic qauv-hos

Ib tug qauv ntawm hospitality ntawm qib siab, txhim khu cov cuab yeej cuab tam keeb kwm, artistic thiab architectural complex uas occupies ib cheeb tsam ntawm peb hectares, Ob peb kauj ruam ntawm lub historic center ntawm Florence. Cov no yog cov coordinates ntawm lub hom phiaj rov qab ntawm tus Vittorio Veneto Barracks nyob Costa San Giorgio, Tus qauv architectural yos rov qab mus rau lub xyoo 1000, yug los ntawm cov fusion ntawm ob ancient convents thiab […]

È il Museo dell’Opera del Duomo il museo migliore di Firenze

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Cov tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm cov Opera del Duomo tsev cia puav pheej yog zoo tshaj ntawm Florence

Cov tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm cov Opera del Duomo muaj tsim zoo tshaj plaws ntawm kev ncig xyuas hauv Florence: lub striking tshwm sim los ntawm ib daim ntawv ntsuam xyuas los ntawm Sociometrica ib conto dell'Opera di emerges raug Maria del Fiore,thawj thawj zaug uas nais maum kuaj cov sentiment, tus ntawd yog tus yuav txiav, tshuaj xyuas cov kev hauv. Tshawb xyuas, uas tau tiav los ntawm kev siv […]

I film in sala da giovedì 2 febbraio

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Chav dej tsos hnub plaub 2 Lub ob hlis ntuj

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 2 Lub ob hlis ntuj tsov rog ntawm ib hom ntawv nyeem caj Hacksaw: Yeebyam, Noob nom noob tswv tsov rog: Mel Gibson Starring: Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn, Andrew Garfield, Sam Worthington, Teresa Palmer, Rachel Griffiths, Nws Hugo, Luke Bracey films mus sib txeeb coj tuaj rau tus Venice zaj duab xis Success […]

A Fiesole apre lo Studio del Maestro Sauro Cavallini

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Fiesole qhib tshawb txog kev npaj Sauro Cavallini

Nrog lub xyoo tshiab pib, qhib rau qhua los ntawm cov sij hawm teem tseg txoj kev tshawb no yog Sauro Cavallini, sculptor so yug., tab sis mus tu Fiesole, tso tseg rau ntawm 28 Lub Xya hli ntuj 2016 thaum muaj hnub nyoog 89 xyoo, thiab nws cov hauj lwm nto moo tshaj plaws, cov monument rau lub neej, stands pem lub taub hau lub Palace ntawm tus sawv daws cov teb chaws Europe hauv Strasbourg. Prenotandosi tramite il sito web www.saurocavallini.it, si potrà […]

Nuova vita per lo stemma mediceo del Giambologna

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Lub neej tshiab rau lub Medici lub tsho tiv no ntawm caj npab los ntawm Giambologna

Nyob li ntawm tus Sala Brunelleschi del Palagio di Parte Guelfa, tus celebrations rau lub restoration ntawm tus Medici sia of caj npab los ntawm Giambologna nyob rau hauv cov nyiaj siv ua haujlwm Loggia del Palagio. Cov kev Istituto ib l'arte e tsab Restauro Palazzo Spinelli of Florence nyob renovation ua hauj lwm ris los ntawm ib pab neeg kawm ntawv, hauj lwm ua ke los ntawm cov xib fwb, ntawm […]