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Giorgio Pagnini a Ganzo con “Verso il basso”

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George Pagnini Ganzo with "Down"

Ganzo, school restaurant and experiential educational workshop in Via dei Macci 85 / r host until 14 April, the exhibition of photographs taken by George Pagnini, entitled "Down". The exposure is visible from 12 at 24. Pagnini, he graduated in architecture in Florence where he lives and works. Born in Sardinia, but lives his […]

Sestino, l’antico comune più orientale della Toscana

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Sestino, the ancient easternmost town in Tuscany

Sestino is a small town of 1.386 inhabitants in the province of Arezzo. It is the easternmost town in Tuscany and, within the province, the most distant from the capital (79 km). Located on the borders with Marche and Emilia Romagna, place on the slopes of the central Apennines, si erge a 496 meters above sea level. Sestino è […]