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Elvis Aron Presley: le leggende non muoiono
It was beautiful Elvis,it,While the Elvis remained that we all loved and we still love ...,it,Elvis' weight does not correspond to that of the last days of life,it,is that two hours after the discovery of Elvis' death,it,His villa from Graceland is - still today - the second most visited residence in the United States after the White House,it,But Elvis' small and modest house miraculously remain intact,it, bello come i ribelli nei libri di avventura. Elvis non si era limitato a fare rock and roll, lui era il rock and roll; non era il migliore, ma univa l’immagine e il carisma, il genio e la follia, e gli bastava muovere il bacino per fare svenire mezzo mondo. Muore il […]
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