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Gli stemmi della facciata di Palazzo Vecchio

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The coats of arms on the façade of Palazzo Vecchio

Looking at the facade of the Palazzo Vecchio you can not help but notice a number of coats of arms, located between the corbels supporting the balcony. Taking a little care you will observe that after a while 'coats of arms begin to repeat themselves, with a cadence every nine coats of arms, all different, while the tenth is,it,two-hundred,it,Ten sixteenth -century tapestries on the stories of Giuseppe Jew,it,commissioned by Cosimo I de 'Medici and fabrics on cartoons of Agnolo Bronzino,it,they will rotate in the hall of the two hundred of Palazzo Vecchio after a long restoration,it,The enhancement project is part of a rearrangement of the salon itself,it,See photos at the bottom,it […]