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La luce marina di Moses Levy a Villa Bardini

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The light marine Moses Levy at Villa Bardini

Villa Bardini up to 15 February, Promoted by the Bardini Peyron Foundation and the Matteucci Foundation,it,The exhibition “Moses Levy is exhibited,it,A story of Italian art 1915-1935 ",it,With works that linked the artist to the cultural environment of Florence in the early twentieth century,it,The exhibition of the Tunisian artist traces,it,The strength of the link and the cultural affinity between the artist Moses Levy and Florence finds himself in the exhibition that has now arrived in Florence from Viareggio,it,presented the bright marine,it,ignition of Holy Fire in Holy Saturday vigil Burst of the cart,it, è esposta la mostra “Moses Levy. Luce Navy. Una vicenda dell’arte italiana 1915-1935”, con opere che legarono l’artista all’ambiente culturale di Firenze ai primi del Novecento. La mostra dell’artista tunisino ripercorre, with forty marine, the period of Viareggio, center […]