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Turismo geotermico in Toscana: nel 2014 record di visite

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Geothermal Tourism in Tuscany: in 2014 records of visits

Does not stop the Tuscan geothermal Enel Green Power, not only for the production of electricity from renewable source which provides for the 26,5% of the electricity needs regional, but also for the great value that goes more and more taking in terms of culture and tourism. Official data 2014 tourism geothermal, […]

Geotermia Toscana: 2015 si apre con nuovo record assoluto

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Geothermal Tuscany: 2015 opens with new record

It stops the run of the green Tuscan geothermal Enel Green Power, which continues to score primates positive for renewables and for the region's economy. The 2015 geothermal, In fact, opened with a new record on the production from geothermal sources in the calendar year 2014: the 33 centrali geotermiche in […]