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Mostra Museo Stibbert su l’armeria di Frederick Stibbert

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Show Stibbert Museum of the armory of Frederick Stibbert

The Show “The Dream and the Glory, the armory of Frederick Stibbert through his masterpieces” is a tribute to Frederick Stibbert (1838-1906) and his work. The extraordinary museum that bears his name and which contains one of the largest collections in the world of ancient weapons and armor. showcases some of the masterpieces […]

Museo di S. Marco e il raggio di luce sull’Annunciazione

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Museum of S. Mark and the ray of light passage on

Shortly after the 1440 Fra Angelico painted frescoes in the convent of San Marco image of the Annunciation, one of the most admired paintings of the friar artist. The painting is made in such a position as to receive the natural light from a window, originally probably smaller than the current, situata a sinistra dell’affresco su una parete […]

Uffizi: vietato da quattro mesi l’uso del selfie stick nel museo

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Uffizi: banned for four months the use of the stick in the museum Selfie

Also as a result of reports in some media, sometimes incomplete, the Directorate of the Uffizi Gallery reaffirms the visiting public that the museum is forbidden to use the stick considdetto Selfie, the telescopic metal rod at whose end is positioned smartphone for self-portraits (selfie), widening the field of view. The ban is in […]

Bargello, il primo museo che “dialoga” coi visitatori

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Bargello, the first museum that "dialogues" with visitors

New at the National Museum of the Bargello, that in three months makes 150 years. For several days in the Hall of Donatello - where there are countless masterpieces - was installed "Mnemosyne", a highly innovative system that aims to offer the visitor an emotional experience, both for a greater understanding of the works, either to avoid […]

31 milioni di euro per il Grande Museo del Duomo di Firenze

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31 million euro for the Great Museum of Florence Cathedral

The Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore announced that it will invest 31 million euro in the monumental complex that makes up "The Great Museum of the Duomo of Florence". All operations are funded by the Opera - entity over 700 anni sovrintende alla custodia e conservazione del patrimonio ecclesiastico e non di piazza del Duomo - senza […]

Sacri splendori: le reliquie a Palazzo Pitti fino al 2 novembre

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Holy majesty: the remains at the Pitti Palace to the 2 November

Last days for the exhibition Sacred Splendors, open until 2 November to Museo degli Argenti in Florence, in the boardrooms of those who were summer apartments of the Medici Family. The exhibition is dedicated to the reconstruction of the Treasures of the Chapel of the Relics in the Pitti Palace, located on the main floor of the Medici palace, that […]

S. Maria Novella: nuova collocazione per statua Beato Giovanni da Salerno

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S. Maria Novella: new location for statue of Blessed John of Salerno

New location, always in the Museum of Santa Maria Novella, for the large stone sculpture depicting the Blessed John of Salerno, founder and first prior of the Dominican convent in Florence. The ticket was positioned in the exit lane of the Green Cloister, now integrated in the visit of the monumental complex. Le modalità per effettuare il […]

Firenze ricorda Mitoraj

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Florence remembers Mitoraj

Ultimi giorni per poter visitare la mostra fiorentina dell’artista Igor Mitoraj - morto due giorni fa - le sue sculture e i suoi gioielli esposti fino al 15 October in the seat Ente CR Firenze and the Museo Horne. The exposure, organized dall'OMA, Association Observatory for arts and crafts, che promuove quegli artisti che praticano anche le arti orafe e lavorano […]

Chimera: mito e curiosità del mostro aretino

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Chimera: myth and curiosity of the monster Arezzo

The Chimera is a mythological monster characteristic; secondo il mito greco fa parte della progenie di Tifone ed Echidna. Suo padre, Typhoon, whose gigantic body culminating in a hundred dragon heads, relegated lies beneath one of the volcanic islands of our land (Ischia and Sicily), ancora fremente della rabbia che lo portò un giorno lontano a […]

A Palazzo Pitti in mostra i costumi di film famosi

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A Palazzo Pitti in show costumes from famous films

Until January all'22 2015 the Costume Gallery in the Pitti Palace hosts an exhibition dedicated to Piero Tosi year's achievement award an honorary Oscar for lifetime achievement with the following motivation "Piero Tosi, a visionary whose incomparable costumes exceed the time doing live art in the film ". Il Maestro ha lavorato per anni come costumista […]