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Pasquetta: oltre 4mila visitatori in più nei musei fiorentini

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Pasquetta: oltre 4mila visitatori in più nei musei fiorentini

Nel giorno di Pasquetta sono stati 4.248 i visitatori in più rispetto al 2014, con un incremento pari al 20,17%. In detail, la Galleria degli Uffizi è stata meta di 6.542 visitors (1.030 in più rispetto a un anno fa, equal to 18,69%), mentre la Galleria dell’Accademia ha richiamato 4.242 visitors (1.126 plus, pari […]

Gli spettacoli Compagnia Virgilio Sieni nei Cenacoli

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The shows Compagnia Virgilio Sieni in Cenacoli

Cenacoli Fiorentini – Great Adagio People, Now in its fourth edition, presents a series of four events that intend to investigate further and gestures in human relations. Designed by Virgil Sieni, the project was born revisiting, through a process of research on gesture, some of Cenacoli Florentine famous all over the world, San Salvi, […]

Il Papà di Stenterello che riposa in Ognissanti

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Stenterello's father resting in Ognissanti

In piazza Ognissanti, that before the advent of Radio in the Palazzo Vecchio had become the meeting point of the Florentine Carnival reborn, also internazionalizzatosi, He finds, in the cloister of the Church of the same name, the tomb of Louis Del Buono, the creator of Stenterello, the traditional Florentine masking. Even the same Eugenio Giani, He did revive the Carnival […]