Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts» prefetto (Nplooj ntawv 3)

Celebrata la Giornata della Memoria

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Lom hnub Memorial

Ntau cov me nyuam kawm ntawv los ntawm tej lub tsev kawm ntawv Florentine kawm lub ceremony, Uas muab qhov chaw ntawm Palazzo Medici Riccardi mus noj peb caug cov "hnub ntawm Remembrance 2020". Cov menyuam ntxhais thiab cov tub hluas ntawm lub koom haum Cellini, Cov tsev kawm ntawv qib high school "Castelnuovo" thiab cov suab paj nruas high school ntawm lub "Alberti Dante" lub koom haum siab tshaj. Lawv kev koom tes yog xav xav los ntawm lub prefect Laura Lega vim "tus […]

Inaugurato il Consolato Onorario di Romania a Firenze

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Mus saib xyuas Consulate Romanian qhib nyob Florence

Romania kev mus saib xyuas Consulate rau Tuscany qhib nyob Florence, qhov uas zoo kawg thiab tseem ceeb rau lub thaj tsam li 85 nplooj pej xeem ntawm Romanian tus neeg tuaj nyob hauv thaj av ntawd, xa koj mus rau saum toj no 20 thousand hauv Florence, thiab cov uas muaj tau uas ploj lawm tau ob peb xyoos. Consul mus saib xyuas ntawd koomhaum Paolo Fagiolini, Cov neeg uas cov koom pheej, Tuscan ua lag luam rau […]

Celebrati i 50 anni della sezione fiorentina dell’Associazione Nazionale Polizia di Stato

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Lom cov 50 xyoo hauv seem Florentine ntawm National Association of xeev tub ceev xwm

Lub Florentine Seem ntawm lub koom haum National Association of xeev tub ceev xwm lom lub xeev tub ceev xwm lom lub 50 Ib lub tsev lag luam thiab lub xyoo ANPS hnub tsaib no 30 Kaum ib hlis nyob rau hauv lub tsev teev ntuj uas San Michelino hauv Florence hauv lub historic center. Thaum lub ceremony solemn ceremony presided hla lub Chaplain ntawm lub xeev tub ceev xwm, Mons. Luigi Innocenti, thiab leej twg tau pom […]

Giornata Nazionale delle Forze Armate a Firenze il 4 novembre 2019

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Lub teb chaws rog hnub hauv Florence rau 4 Kaum ib hlis 2019

Raws li kev lig kev cai, dua no xyoo, tus 4 Kaum ib hlis lub nroog ntawm Florence lom lub teb chaws hnub ntawm cov rog Armed rog. Lub ceremonies pib nrog tus chij solemn flag-raising hauv Piazza Santa Croce, Qhov twg ib inter-quab yuam tuam txhab ntawm cov tub rog yog deployed, Aeronautics, Carabinieri, Xeev tub ceev xwm, Guardia di Finanza, Tub ceev xwm Penitentiary tub ceev xwm, Tub rog Corps thiab volunteer Nurses ntawm tus […]

53° Alluvione Firenze 1966- Consiglio Comunale per la prima volta commemora vittime

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53Dej nyab Florence 1966- City Council commemorates neeg raug dag hais txog thawj thawj zaug

Monday, 4 Kaum ib hlis 2019, 53' Ib ntawm cov Florence dej nyab, thawj thawj zaug puas tau, City Council of Florence, commemorated cov neeg raug dag hais Florentine, Ua lawv cov npe echo hauv lub Duegento cuab ntawm Palazzo Vecchio, Nyeem los ntawm Journalist Franco Mariani, Dej nyab historian thiab President ntawm lub koom haum Firenze Promozione Association, uas tau raug rau 25 koom haum sib sau ua ke […]

53° Alluvione Firenze 1966 – Lancio Corona di Alloro del Comune in Arno in ricordo vittime

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53Dej nyab Florence 1966 – Laurel Wreath community launch txog cov Municipality nyob Arno nco qas ntsoov tseeb

Ceremony ntawm lub launch txog lub Laurel Wreath ntawm lub Municipality ntawm Florence nco txog cov neeg raug dag hais txog cov Florence dej nyab ntawm 1966 Nyob rau hauv cov dej nyab 53rd dej nyab ua ib feem ntawm cov nom txhua xyoo ceremonies nce thiab organized los ntawm 25 Xyoo los ntawm lub koom haum Firenze Promozione Association, Thiab cuaj xyoos ua ke nrog lub Presidency ntawm lub nroog Council. Rau ob zaug, kawm los ntawm tus cob moos ntawm tus kav nroog ntawm tus kav nroog […]

Cerimonia al Sacrario Militare di Santa Croce a Firenze in ricordo Militari morti in guerra

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Ceremony rau cov tub rog Sacrament of dawb huv hla ntawm Florence nyob rau hauv cov tub rog uas nyob rau hauv tsov rog tuag nco

Ib xyoos twg ceremony, tus 2 Kaum ib hlis 2019, Ntawm cov tub rog Presidium ntawm Florence nco txog cov tub rog tuag celebrated ntawm cov tub rog Shrine ntawm Santa Croce hauv Florence, los yog lub Memorial Chapel, tenutasi alla presenza delle massime autorità militari e civili e del Prefetto di Firenze Laura Lega. Cov crypt uas raug Croce, un lungo ambiente sotto al transetto […]

Sabato 10 agosto a Montelupo F.no le “confessioni” di don Paolo Brogi al vaticanista Franco Mariani

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Hnub vas xaum 10 Lub yim hli ntuj hauv le Montelupo F.no “confessions” los tsis txhob Paolo Brogi ntawm Vatican analyst Jaime Macias

Hnub vas xaum 10 Lub yim hli ntuj loj Success rau Montelupo Fiorentino rau lub Priory of San Lorenzo rau lub tsiab peb caug tus Martyr dawb huv. Lub ntees tshwj xeeb xyuas no ancient tsev teev ntuj hauv lub 1200, nyob rau sab qaum kev ib lub teb chaws. Tom qab cov solemn Eucharistic concelebration lub sijhawm 18, tom 18,45 muaj kev tshwj xeeb celebratory sib tham uas yuav pom […]

Celebrata il 2 giugno la 73ma Festa della Repubblica in Piazza Santissima Annunziata

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Lom rau 2 Lub rau hli ntuj 73rd koom pheej hnub hauv Piazza Santissima Annunziata

Si sono svolte domenica 2 giugno le celebrazioni del 73° anniversario della Fondazione della Repubblica. I festeggiamenti hanno avuto inizio in piazza Santissima Annunziata con l’Alzabandiera e la Deposizione della corona in onore ai Caduti, alla presenza del prefetto Laura Lega e del generale di divisione Pietro Tornabene, comandante dell’Istituto Geografico Militare. Xyoo no, per la […]

Le Comunicazioni Sociali secondo il Prefetto Vaticano Paolo Ruffini

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Kev sib raws li Vatican Prefect Paolo Ruffini

Lub ntsiab "los ntawm cov zej zog rau cov zej zog" dictated los Pope Francis cov lus yog cov leitmotif ntawm lub limtiam ntawm txheej xwm nce los ntawm cov Archdiocese ntawm Florence rau lub ntiaj teb 53rd ntiaj teb sib txuas lus hnub uas yog lom, xyoo no, Hnub xya 2 Lub rau hli ntuj. Cov txheej xwm nce, lub highlight yog lub rooj sab laj nrog Paolo Ruffini, Prefect ntawm lub Dicastery […]