Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts» sindaco (Nplooj ntawv 6)

“Dante 700 – Un ritratto di Dante e i luoghi del poeta nelle fotografie di Massimo Sestini

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"Dante 700 – Ib portrait ntawm Dante thiab lub hnab tshos qhov chaw hauv Massimo Sestini tus duab

"Dante 700 – Ib portrait ntawm Dante thiab lub hnab tshos qhov chaw hauv Massimo Sestini' duab yog lub exhibition uas qhib rau hnub Saturday 3 Lub kaum hli ntuj los ntawm cov thawj coj ntawm cov republic, Sergio Mattarella, Nyob rau hauv cov Gregorian Palace ntawm lub Quirinale Palace, khij lub 7th centenary ntawm Alighieri tus tuag. Ib zaj dabneeg photographic nyob rau hauv 20 Dluab, 150 hom ntawv×100, realizzate […]

Scoperta a Impruneta targa commemorativa ad Aldo Moro e ai caduti nell’agguato di via Fani

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Foushy hauv Impruneta commemorative quav hniav hais Aldo Moro thiab lub caij nplooj zeeg hauv lub ambush ntawm Via Fani

Lub ceremony hauv Impruneta nyob rau 16 Lub peb hlis ntuj 2020, Ib cov tua neeg pov tseg ntawm Via Fani thiab cov abduction ntawm Moro ntawm tus liab Brigades, Yog hnub thaum twg tus lockdown koj yuav tsum tsis txhob muaj cov txheej xwm nyob rau hauv cov txheej xwm kuaj pom, ces koj yuav tsum tos kom txog thaum twg 23 Cuaj hlis, giorno scelto perché ricorreva la nascita di […]

Comune di Fiesole intitola Largo Piero Farulli lo spazio antistante il nuovo auditorium

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Municipality ntawm Fiesole npe Largo Piero Farulli qhov chaw pem lub taub hau lub auditorium tshiab

THIAB’ nplooj siab rau Piero Farulli, Yuam kev xyoo ntawm tus naas ej Italian Quartet thiab creator, founder thiab thawj coj ntawm lub tsev kawm ntawv Fiesole tsev kawm ntawv, Qhov chaw pem lub taub hau lub Auditorium tshiab Auditorium nyob Fiesole nrog lub npe “Largo Farulli”. Lub ceremony kawm los ntawm Anna Ravoni, Tus kav nroog ntawm Fiesole thiab Gianni Letta, Presidente del Comitato Nazionale per le Celebrazioni del Centenario […]

ANNULLATA lunedì 5 ottobre la Fiera dell’Antella

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ANNULLATA lunedì 5 Lub kaum hli ntuj lub Antella ncaj ncees

Alla luce delle condizioni meteorologiche con allerta gialla indicata per la notte tra domenica 4 Hnub ib 5 Lub kaum hli ntuj, il Sindaco di Bagno ha disposto, hnub 2 Lub kaum hli ntuj, di annullare l’edizione 2020 della Fiera di Antella. La decisione dell’amministrazione comunale, presa di concerto con il Centro Intercomunale di Protezione Civile, è motivata dalla volontà […]

Inaugurata a Firenze Via Nilde Jotti, prima donna Presidente della Camera dei Deputati

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Ntawm Nilde Jotti qhib nyob rau hauv Florence, Thawj poj niam hais lus ntawm tus Chamber of Deputies

Nilde, Xwb Leonilde Iotti, mus 26 ib xyoos ib zaug 21 Cov Tswv Cuab Ntawm Daim Ntawv Txheeb Xyuas, ua rau daim ntawv teev cov pci ntawm tus poj niam thawj poj niam. Ntawm 1979 al 1992 Nws hais lus ntawm tus Chamber of Deputies, Thawj poj niam nyob ntawd lub luag hauj lwm tam sim no muaj nyob rau hauv Florence ib txoj kev nplooj siab rau nws. Hnub 8 Qhov tseeb, cuaj hlis tiv thaiv kab mob rau nws […]

Nuovo Ambulatorio della Misericordia di Firenze in viale dei Mille

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New Clinic of Mercy of Florence hauv Avenue ntawm tus txhiab

Nrhav, Specialization (Specialization), Kev siv yog lub ntsiab nta ntawm lub tsev kho mob tshiab ntawm Mercy of Florence hauv Avenue ntawm tus txhiab tus xov tooj ntawm tus xov tooj 90, thiab raws li ib txoj kev tshiab kom tiv thaiv: kev xeem depth, Lub xeev-ntawm-tus-daim duab diagnostics, Cov pob khoom tsim rau cov check-ups nyob rau ntau qhov chaw thiab thov rau tej thaj chaw, nqis. tsis tas li ntawd 300 mequare meters kiag li refurbished […]

Inaugurato il nuovo Pronto Soccorso dell’Ospedale S. M. Annunziata a Bagno a Ripoli

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Tshiab lub tsev kho mob new emergency chav qhib. M. Tshaj tawm hauv Bagno hauv Ripoli

Teb qhib, Friday, 31 Lub Xya hli ntuj, Chav tsev kho mob tshiab ntawm lub tsev kho mob Santa Maria Annunziata nyob Rau hauv Bagno hauv Ripoli, Twb nyob rau hauv lub lag luam rau ob peb lub lis piam. Peb txhiab square meters hauv lub tsev niaj hnub, rationalized routesThremay txhiab meters meters teb rau ntau tshaj 40,000 tus neeg saib ib xyoo, Ib puag ncig tsim raws li txoj kev saib xyuas, dotati delle più recenti tecnologie per la […]

Sindaco Nardella convoca 19 Ambasciatori per far rinascere Firenze dopo il Coronavirus

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Tus kav nroog Nardella summons 19 Ambassadors rau reborn Florence tom qab Coronavirus

"Florence lawm nes mas hais Ius rau ntiaj teb. Peb twb tau raug tau hnov los ntawm 19 Delegations, ua los ntawm ambassadors thiab deputy ambassadors ntawm lub teb chaws tseem ceeb tshaj plaws nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb. Qhov no muab peb zoo kawg thiab paub tseeb hais tias ib zaug dua cov xim thiab hwm tias muaj yog thoob ntiaj teb ntawm peb lub nroog thiab the Thecany thaj av ntawd". Nws hais tias nws hais tias nws […]

Inaugurata la nuova piazza Pier Vettori

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Muaj tau inaugurated lub tshiab Pier Vettori Square

Piazza Pier Vettori rov rau pej xeem tom qab xwb tus redevelopment uas muaj transformed rau thaj tsam ntawm lub hub theem nrab rau ib qhov chaw nyob: phau tshiab, cuab yeej cuab tam muaj ntoo thiab highlights, tshiab flooring xim nqaij thiab khoom. Tus kav nroog Dario Nardella yog tam sim no rau cov ribbon tej hnub no, l’assessore all’Urbanistica e ambiente Cecilia […]

Consegnati i Fiorini d’Oro di Firenze per la festa del Patrono San Giovanni Battista

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Tauj qhov Golden paj ntawm Florence rau cov Patron neeg dawb huv John lub tsiab peb caug tus Baptist

Tus neeg loj loj rau 24 Lub rau hli ntuj, rau lub Patron ntawm Florence dawb huv, St. John Baptist rau hauv Piazza raug Croce nrog cov neeg sawv cev nrog rau ntawm lub football historic thiab cov procession keeb kwm ntawm cov koom pheej Florentine, leej twg them tribute rau cov kws kho mob, Cov "nurse", Kho mob, Lub regional health services thiab cov tuaj pab dawb rau cov neeg uas tuaj pab dawb txog kev tiv thaiv Civil of Municipality of Municipality […]