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In scena dal 29 gennaio al 5 febbraio

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Staged by 29 January to 5 February

Date: until 2 February Event: Glauco Mauri, Roberto Sturno: Una pura formalità Genere: Commedia Luogo: Teatro della Pergola Information: 055.22641 www.fondazioneteatrodellapergola.it Data: 30 January Event: ORT: Patricia Kopatchinskaja, direttore e violino Genere: Music Place: Teatro Verdi Informazioni: 055.212320 www.teatroverdifirenze.it Data: 30 January Event: Sergente Garcia in concerto Genere: Music Place: Auditorium Flog Informazioni: 055.477978 www.flog.it […]

In scena dal 22 al 29 gennaio

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Staged by 22 al 29 January

Date: 22 – 23 January Event: Valerio and Valerio Aprea in Mastrandea: Qui e ora Luogo: Teatro Puccini Informazioni: Via delle Cascine, 41 055.22641 www.teatropuccini.it   Data: 23 January Event: Italo dall'Orto and the magistrate Mario Almeida in: Sandro Pertini freedom fighter’ Place: Spazio Alfieri Informazioni: Olive Street, 6 055.2466743 www.spazioalfieri.it   Data: […]

In scena nei teatri

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Staged in theaters

17 January Puccini Theatre LAUGHTER UNDER the BOMBS Author: Giorgio Bozzo-Gianni Fantoni Director: Simone Nardini Company: P_Nuts Cast: Le Sorelle Marinetti con Gianni Fantoni, Francesca Nerozzi, Paolo Cauteruccio, Gabrio Gentilini 17 – 19 gennaio Teatro Lumiere TROPPE ARIE (CONCERTO COMICO) Director: Rita Pelusio Cast: Nicanor Cancellieri, Franca Pampaloni, Silvia Laniado Due sorelle zitelle, due concertiste […]

Da oggi la Terrazza di Michelangelo

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Now the Michelangelo's Terrace

La Terrazza di Michelangelo, weekly news and culture in Florence, recorded at the Court of Florence, starts from today its publications. A publishing project which aims to enhance the excellence of our territory. To realize this project I called as Director the journalist Franco Mariani sure, in the face of his thirty years of experience in journalism, will transform the ordinary […]

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