Back Larga leaf to experience the Cascine autumn

firenze fiume cascineAt the Visitor Center via the Cascine Park, the second edition of the initiative for families organized by the cooperative Coeso in collaboration with the Municipality of Florence.

Gli appuntamenti si svolgeranno ogni sabato e domenica di ottobre dalle 15 at 18 by cooperatives and Dormer The Last Supper.

The Visitor Center opens to families with animations and readings for all ages, improvisational theater, laboratory manual, graphic pictorial, expression for children and adults, but also thematic workshops on cooking, arts and crafts for children and adults.

This is the program:

Saturday 11 October On PROFUMI AUTUNNO Laboratory playful-creative edited by coop Cenacle

Sunday 12 October Animation street
(trucca bimbi e mago clown) COLLAGE COOPERATIVE OF LEAVES Laboratory playful-creative edited by coop Cenacle

Saturday 18 October THE STORIES OF THE ANIMATED Fantabosco Laboratory of storytelling and painting on fabric care to the Cenacle coop

Sunday 19 October Animation street (trucca bimbi e mago clown) HATS GNOMO Laboratory playful-creative edited by coop Cenacle.

Saturday 25 October COLOURS OF AUTUMN Graphic Workshop-pictorial by LEP coop Dormer.

Sunday 26 October Animation street (trucca bimbi e mago clown) THE BOOK OF LEAVES LEAVES- Graphic Workshop-pictorial edited by coop Il Cenacolo.

Nicola Nuti

By the number 34 – The Year of 8/10/2014