A yellow school air Cascine becomes a book

Delitti e misteri all’Air ForceScoprire la verità sulla terribile morte di suo marito è l’impegno che si è presa la professoressa Maria Grazia Evangelista che recentemente, sotto lo pseudonimo di Grazia Dalberto, ha dato alle stampe ‘Delitti e misteri all’Air Force’. nel quale ripercorre, in fictional form, the long and painful journey taken after death, in circumstances still unclear, her husband, Lieutenant Colonel Mark Ravines, in service to the School of the air war in Florence.

On the morning of 26 April 1992 the man, electrical engineer, was found dying in an armchair in the living room area of ​​service within the Villa del Bobolino.

Neither the wife nor the seventeen year old daughter, who slept in two adjacent rooms, they heard the gunshot: Suicide is the first reason given hasty sudden death of man, 49before.

One explanation that has never convinced his wife, in the book that revives the threads of a mystery to get to the truth that still escapes.

Il lavoro di Maria Grazia Evangelista sarà presentato sabato prossimo, 1 March at 17 al Museo Casa di Dante, where there will be a recital.

Maria Orsi and Andrea Battinelli, students Calenzano Theatre Training by Stefano Massini, read excerpts from the book, with the background of the lute Marzio Matteoli.

Maria Grazia EvangelistaAfter the termination of the investigation, that did not mean that the shot was accidentally started by old weapon, Evangelista has commissioned two forensic pathologists and a ballistics expert to do the in-depth.

The weapon was in fact found by the police with the scientific magazine partially leaked.

For this reason, the expert stated that, Yes, the shot was probably started by accident, a conclusion confirmed by the characteristics of the wound and the direction of the shot. Not only. An important confirmation of the hypothesis of the wife of Lieutenant Colonel comes from a document of the Medical Association of Florence.

In conclusion, the ingredients of a thriller are all there.

Too bad that the book arises from a terribly true story. La storia di un uomo morto senza un perché e di una moglie e di una figlia che non si sono mai arrese. And that last fight to seek the truth.


By the number 7 – The Year of 26/02/2014