Holidays: only 1 Florentine on 4 leave the city

caldoAccording to the statistical office of the City of Florence Florence only a four-, or the 25,3%, going to go on vacation, given in a sharp drop compared to previous years (32,1% in 2013 and 47,5% in 2012).
Also decreases the percentage of those who will move only on weekends (8,8%, was 9,8% in 2013), increase while those who do not go on vacation for nothing (by 58,1% to 65,9%).
August is confirmed as favorite time, while among the goals, the sea remains the main.
mtv awards 1As a counterweight to this “Forced” stay in the city because of the crisis, aumenta la percentuale di chi parteciperà agli eventi culturali in città (26,9% versus 23,7% of 2013).
The analysis covered a sample of 750 families, interviewed by telephone between late June and early July.
The main fact that emerges is precisely the sharp decline of the Florentines who say they do not go on vacation, especially the elderly are those most forgo holidays, equal to 77,9% of those who 65 years or more.
For employment status is observed that all categories are declining, except for housewives.firenze 2Decreases consisting of those who will be going on holiday is observed among students (-11,0%) and among pensioners (-10,1%).
In sharp drop in the intention of going on vacation is for employees (-7,2 percentage points compared to last year) both for the self-employed (-9,1 percentage points).
Even for the holidays 2014 Florentines prefer the sea, especially the Italian and Tuscan (32,6% and 31,5% respectively); tiene the montagna (8,3%).
firenze fiume cascineAd August dunque, always in accordance with the provisions of the Palazzo Vecchio, you should record a daily average of 51.068 Florentines against holiday 44.283 of 2013 (+15,3%) but still much lower than the figure for the 2012 when the daily average of the Florentines was on vacation 76.752.
Among the 1 June and 30 September, the citizens will be out of town, in media, 19.329 per day (down 4,6%, in 2013 were 20.274 but in the 2012 average was 30.603).
Those who remain in the city, in addition to being in your own home, passerà le ore a casa di parenti e amici (47,2%) or out on the town or in the countryside (29,2%).
Fra le attività preferite extra: i concerti di musica jazz,rock, ethnic, le mostre e i musei.
The full survey is available at

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 28 – The Year of 23/07/2014