Friday 27 March, the Way of the Cross Youth of the Diocese of Florence

Cardinale Betori Via crucis croce giovaniFriday 27 marzo si terrà la tradizionale Via Crucis dei Giovani della Diocesi di Firenze, which this year will focus sull'esortazione Papa Francesco "We need bridges, not walls!”.

The departure is scheduled at 21 from Florence Cathedral, then the Via Crucis will wind along Via Roma, Republic Square, Via Calimala, Loggia del Mercato Nuovo, Piazza della Signoria, Uffizi loggia, symbolically ending the Ponte Vecchio.

At each station of the Cross will be read passages relating to the five-way towards the new humanity (come out, announce, live, educate, transfigure) indicated by Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium and incorporated in the Track for the way to the 5th National Congress of Florence.

In the sixth station, in the Loggia of the Uffizi, will be highlighted the link between beauty and love that have marked the history of Florence Christian, in the words of the track: "In this city you can breathe a cure for the human that was expressed particularly with the language of beauty, of artistic creation and charity seamless ".

Ponte Vecchio, the Arcivescovo, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, bless the city and send young people on a mission to be builders of bridges and not walls.

At the end of the Via Crucis young people will be invited to go to the Church of Santa Felicita to pray before the altar of the Deposition by Pontormo.

Nicola Nuti

By the number 57 - Year II 25/03/2015