Item Amica: 50 years of phone

voce amicaPhone Friend, over 30 centers, 2 national coordinations, more than 130 thousand calls a year and at least 700 volunteers.

Questi alcuni dati per raccontare un volontariato che ogni giorno nel silenzio e nell’assoluto rispetto dell’anonimato ascolta chi vive situazioni di disagio e solitudine.

Phone Voice Amica is the first help line in Italy, born in Florence in 1964, that next 18 April will celebrate in the Palazzo Vecchio 50 years in business.

In Tuscany, plus Voice Amica, two other experiences: the Samaritans of Prato, born in 1982 thanks to a group of volunteers of Mercy, now has 35 volunteers and Charlie Samaritans founded in Pontedera in 1990 with 30 volunteers.

Nicola Nuti

By the number 56 - Year II 18/03/2015