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Intervista a Giuseppe Pambieri

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Interview with Giuseppe Pambieri

Giuseppe Pambieri, 70 years, is a film actor, Theatre and theatre director. He obtained great success and popularity with Remo's character in television drama "Sisters Mattresses", based on the novel fiorentino di Aldo Palazzeschi, filmed on location in Florence, directed by Mario Ferrero, featuring two sacred monsters of the theatre, Sarah Ferrati […]

Nel 2013 nuovi record per la Firenze Card

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In 2013 new records for Florence Card

For Florence Card the 2013 closed with very comforting data. In the year just ended were sold 88.717 weave, with nearly 700.000 inputs, In addition the 40% more than in 2012. The average daily sales has grown from 86 cards (2011) to 172 (2012) to 244 (2013) with a corresponding growth of […]

Animali in chiesa il 17 gennaio

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Animals in the Church 17 January

Animals also have their own Patron Saint, like humans. It's St. Anthony Abbot, whose feast is celebrated on 17 January. For this occasion in some churches in Florence today, or between Saturday and Sunday, There will be the blessing of all pets, sometimes even with the distribution of sandwich […]

Gli Indignati sono nati a Firenze nel 1338

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The Outraged were born in Florence 1338

In recent months many Outraged took to the streets to protest against the economic crisis and the few interventions, restrictive and often costly, facts, but especially for those not facts, from those who govern to overcome it. Well, few people know that the Outraged are actually born 676 years ago in Florence when the 1 November […]

Aldo Fallai: da Giorgio Armani al Rinascimento

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Aldo Fadda: from Giorgio Armani to the Renaissance

In the context of the 85th Edition of Pitti Uomo, at Villa Bardini and Museo Stefano Bardini you can view the two sections of the exhibition "Aldo Fadda. From Giorgio Armani to the Renaissance. Photographs from the 1978 to 2013 "curated by art historians Martina Corgnati, Carlo Sisi, former Director of the Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Palazzo Pitti, with […]

Intervista alle Sorelle Marinetti

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Interview to the sisters Marinetti

Le Sorelle Marinetti are a trio of male singers en travesti. Their names are art Turbinia, Mercuria, The spark, respectively, Nicholas Olivieri, Andrea Allione and Marco Lugli. The Group – whose name harks back to that of the founder of futurism, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti – He works swing repertoire composed of known authors of […]

A dicembre inflazione stabile a Firenze

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Inflation stable in December in Florence

Inflation stable in December in Florence: growing up fuels and food, decrease heating and gas hotels, increasing the shopping cart. And ' what emerges from the Municipal Office of detection statistic that presented the anticipation of the results of the calculation of the inflation in Florence for the month of November, and that must then be confirmed by Istat, […]

Le bellezze di Firenze raccontate ai più piccoli da Bargellini

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The beauties of Florence told the little ones from Bargellini

Was the 2010 When Palazzo Vecchio, at the time, was the Education Minister now Senator and Secretary of the Senate, Rosa Maria Di Giorgi, decided to start the project "I love Florence", a new series of children's books on the most important historical and artistic monuments of the city, to tell children the story of […]

20 gennaio: i panellini della Misericordia

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20 January: the panellini of mercy

The 20 January is an important day for the mercy of Firenze, because we are celebrating the feast of Saint Sebastian martyr, Patron of the Association by 1575. Was the Dominican Blessed Peter of Verona, also known as the martyr, to establish in 1244 la Venerabile Arciconfraternita della Misericordia di Firenze, the oldest Italian mercy with his […]

Intervista a Giorgio Bozzo

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Interview with Giorgio Bozzo

Genovese was born in transplanted in Milan, Giorgio Bozzo began in the world of pop music working from 1986 al 1989 for Polygram. After a stint as a journalist in the field of print media in Berlin, He began to collaborate with Rai 2 and with several magazines including Marie Claire, For Him, Esquire, Amica. Moving […]