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Al via la stagione 2014/2015 del Teatro di Rifredi

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At the start of the season 2014/2015 Theatre Rifredi

Presentation of the theatrical season 20014/15 Theatre Rifredi the presence of Maria Federica Giuliani, Chairman of the Cultural Commission of the City of Florence, Giancarlo Mordini, Artistic Director, Giovanna Malgeri, President S.M.S. Rifredi 1883, and Sara Nocentini, Councillor for Culture, Tourism and Commerce of the Region of Tuscany. Per la Presidente Giuliani “Il prezioso e consolidato […]

Alla scoperta di una città fantasma, Vetulonia

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Discovering a ghost town, Vetulonia

There are many cases of mythological cities of Tuscany, founded in ancient times and never found, buried by time and memory. One of these, a legendary Etruscan mythological held until 1887, fu invece realmente scoperta da alcuni studiosi che riuscirono a trovare nei loro scavi le prime tracce certe dell’antico centro urbano di […]

Chimera: mito e curiosità del mostro aretino

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Chimera: myth and curiosity of the monster Arezzo

The Chimera is a mythological monster characteristic; secondo il mito greco fa parte della progenie di Tifone ed Echidna. Suo padre, Typhoon, whose gigantic body culminating in a hundred dragon heads, relegated lies beneath one of the volcanic islands of our land (Ischia and Sicily), ancora fremente della rabbia che lo portò un giorno lontano a […]

Con l’amore di un coniglio

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With the love of a rabbit

"With the love of a rabbit" is a book of 2013 written by James Pedroni, auto pubblicato in versione cartacea su You can print e invece realizzato in e-book con Cavinato Editore International. È disponibile sui migliori store on line e librerie. Crisis, spread, GDP, Fiscal Compact, tax, toxic assets…il nostro vocabolario negli ultimi anni si […]

In arrivo 50 giorni di cinema

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In arrivo 50 days of cinema

Last Friday was presented to the press, at the Odeon cinema in Florence, the eighth edition of the film festival's longest Italy, the 50 Days of International Film in Florence, scheduled 29 October to 14 December, organized by the Region of Tuscany by Fondazione Sistema Toscana. They presented the event the Department of Culture of the Region of Tuscany Sara Nocentini, […]

12 ottobre Domenica del fiorentino con cambio della Guardia a Palazzo Vecchio

12 October Sunday in Florence with changing of the guard at the Palazzo Vecchio

The 12 October sees the Sunday of Fiorentino which coincides with the National Day of Families at the Museum, promossa da Kids Art Tourism. The day of free admission to museums for civic born and / or resident in Florence and then presents a program that pays particular attention to family audiences. Oltre alle […]

Nuovo percorso per la cripta sotto il Duomo

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New path for the crypt under the cathedral

On the occasion of the Feast of Santa Reparata, celebrated last Wednesday 8 October 2014, the Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore opened to the public the new exhibition of the Church of Santa Reparata in Florence Cathedral. The archaeological site of the Church of Santa Reparata, beneath the Cathedral of Florence, was opened to the public in 1974, […]

Nuovi sportelli anagrafici nei 5 Quartieri

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New branches in personal 5 District

Change the view of the doors in the master 5 Florentine districts. The first change concerns the new times and the reorganization of branches Population, in gergo dell’amministrazione di Palazzo Vecchio chiamati PAD, to bring in all the Districts, of which the Administration wants to reassess the role. In this phase the new service mode, reservation, è attivata […]

Al Teatro 13 il II Premio Augusto Novelli – Terza rassegna di teatro dialettale

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Al Teatro 13 the Prize II Augusto Novelli - Third theater festival dialect

The Neighborhood 2 City of Florence, da qualche mese guidato da Michele Pierguidi, al fine di risvegliare un nuovo interesse per il teatro dialettale, understood not fit the caricature but as a form of knowledge of the roots and traditions of Florence, ha organizzato per il terzo anno consecutivo la Rassegna di teatro “Premio Augusto Novelli” dedicata […]

Torna Larga la foglia per vivere le Cascine d’autunno

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Back Larga leaf to experience the Cascine autumn

At the Visitor Center via the Cascine Park, the second edition of the initiative for families organized by the cooperative Coeso in collaboration with the Municipality of Florence. Gli appuntamenti si svolgeranno ogni sabato e domenica di ottobre dalle 15 at 18 by cooperatives and Dormer The Last Supper. Il Centro visite apre alle famiglie con animazioni […]