Tsev » 2014 » October (Nplooj ntawv 5)

Al via la stagione 2014/2015 del Teatro di Rifredi

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Lub caij thaum pib lub caij ntuj no 2014/2015 Del Teatro di Rifredi

Lub caij ntuj theatrical 20014/15 Del Teatro di Rifredi kawm ntawm Maria Federica Garcia, Chairman ntawm pawg neeg hauv cov kev hauv nroog Florence, Giancarlo tus txiv neej, Artistic Director, Jane Malgeri, S.M.S President. Rifredi 1883, thiab Sara Nocentini, Councillor culture tourism thiab lag luam tawm nyob rau hauv lub cheeb tsam ntawm Toscana. Rau tsoom txoov Giuliani "cov nqi thiab cov consolidated […]

Alla scoperta di una città fantasma, Vetulonia

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Kawm ua ib cov dab lub zos, Vetulonia

Muaj ntau ntau yam dab neeg mythological Tuscan lub zos, founded hauv ancient zaug thiab yeej tsis muaj, faus rau ntawm lub sijhawm thiab kev nco. Cov no, ib legendary mythological Minnesota Etruscan lub nroog mus txog 1887, Nws twb yeej pheej nrhiav tau lwm los ntawm ib co scholars tias lawv nrhiav tau nyob rau hauv lawv cov excavation ntawm tus thawj hauv ib co kua qee yam ntawm lub nroog ancient centre […]

Chimera: mito e curiosità del mostro aretino

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Chimera: tswvyim hais ua dabneeg thiab dab aretino xav

Tus Chimera yog dab mythological; Raws li lub tswvyim hais ua dabneeg Greek yog ib feem ntawm qhov zag Typhon thiab Echidna. Nws tus txiv, Typhoon, tus gigantic lub cev uas nyob hauv caug zaj hau culminated, relegated lus dag tsis tau muaj ib tug volcanic Islands tuaj ntawm peb teb (Ischia los yog Sicily), quivering tseem npau taws uas coj nws lub hnub tawm mus […]

Con l’amore di un coniglio

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Muaj txoj kev hlub ntawm ib tug kab tais

"Muaj tus hlub los ntawm ib tug kab tais" yog ib phau 2013 sau los ntawm James Pedroni, published rau lawv tus kheej cov ntawv ntawm version koj yuav tau sau thiab xwb ua e-phau nrog Cavinato Publisher International. Yog muaj nyob rau ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv lub khw thiab bookstores. Ntsoog, kis, Gdp, Nyaj tej lus, se, lom puav…peb cov lus rau hauv ib lub xyoo tsis ntev los no […]

In arrivo 50 giorni di cinema

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tab tom yuav tuaj 50 xinesmas hnub

Hnub Friday yog nyob rau hauv xovxwm, Thaum cov xinesmas Odeon nyob Florence, Tsab VIII ntawm lub exhibition of ntev xinesmas ntawm ltalis, tus 50 Hnub thoob ntiaj teb xinesmas hauv Florence, teem tseg los ntawm 29 Lub kaum hli ntuj mus 14 Hlis ntuj nqeg, los ntawm thaj av ntawd ntawm Tuscany los Tuscan System Foundation. Qhov kev tshwm sim nyob rau Councillor rau hauv thaj av Tuscany Sara Nocentini kev, […]

12 ottobre Domenica del fiorentino con cambio della Guardia a Palazzo Vecchio

12 Lub kaum hli ntuj hnub Sunday cov fiorentino uas hloov kev ceev xwm tus nyob Palazzo Vecchio

Tus 12 Lub kaum hli ntuj tom qab hnub xya uas coincides nrog rau lub teb chaws tsev hnub rau lub tsev khaws puav pheej, kev txhawb los ntawm cov me nyuam Art Tourism. Pub dawb niaj hnub no puas rau cov born thiab/los yog nyob rau hauv Florence thiab lub xeev thiaj li pib ua ib qho kev dedicates kev paub tshwj xeeb rau pej xeem ntawm tsev neeg. Nyob rau […]

Nuovo percorso per la cripta sotto il Duomo

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Qhov chaw nyob tshiab rau ntawm crypt nyob hauv lub Cathedral

On the occasion of raug Reparata lub tsiab peb caug, lom hnub Wednesday 8 Lub kaum hli ntuj 2014, tus Opera di raug Maria del Fiore qhib rau pej xeem cov tshiab exhibition ntawm lub tsev teev ntuj uas raug Reparata nyob Florence Cathedral. Archaeological thaj tsam ntawm lub tsev teev ntuj uas raug Reparata, hauv qab lub Cathedral ntawm Florence, Nws qhib rau pej xeem nyob rau hauv 1974, […]

Nuovi sportelli anagrafici nei 5 Quartieri

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Tshiab tswv nyob rau hauv lub qhov rooj 5 Neighborhoods

Kev hloov cov toj roob hauv pes rau ntawm lub qhov rooj rau tus tswv 5 Florentine neighborhoods. Tsab xov xwm txog tus tshiab timetables thiab cov reorganisation ntawm tus ceg ntoo txhawb tus thawj, nyob rau lub jargon ntawm Palazzo Vecchio hu ua NCOO, mus nqa rov qab rau hauv lub cheeb tsam cov, uas coj xav tau revalue lub luag hauj lwm. Ntawm no tsis nyob ntev, hom kev pab cuam tshiab, rau reservation, yog enabled […]

Al Teatro 13 il II Premio Augusto Novelli – Terza rassegna di teatro dialettale

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Thaum cov Theatre 13 II Premio Augusto Novelli-peb xyuas ntawm teatro dialettale

Cov neeg zej zog 2 lub municipality ntawm Florence, ob peb lub hlis coj los Michele Pierguidi, yuav kom nyuaj paj tshiab rau lub teatro dialettale, to taub tsis tau li macchiettistica, tiam sis raws li daim ntawv paub Florentine cov hauv paus hniav thiab sawv, ncaav lub xyoo sib law liag third Theatre xyuas "Premio Augusto Novelli" nplooj siab […]

Torna Larga la foglia per vivere le Cascine d’autunno

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Loj nplooj rov qab rau tus neeg ua teb rau lub caij nplooj zeeg

Thaum cov qhua centre Cascine si tus thib ib tsab ntawm tus teg num rau tsev neeg los koom tes rau hauv lub tswv yim nrog lub municipality ntawm Florence Cohesive. Qhov teem yuav muaj sijhawm teem txhua txhua hnub thiab hnub xya lub kaum hli ntuj hauv 15 tom 18 edited lub Dormer thiab cooperatives tsab Cenacolo. Cov qhua chaw opens rau tsev neeg nrog animations […]