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L’immaginario visuale del Sessantotto

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The visual imagery of Sixty

It opens Saturday 13 December at 15.30, Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Via Ricasoli 66, la mostra “L’immaginario visuale del Sessantotto oggi”, result of recent internship that involved students of the Florentine, under the guidance of Prof. Tommaso Tozzi dell’Accademia e della Prof.ssa Adriana Dadà del centro studi politici e sociali archivio […]

Domenica 14 al Four Season open day natalizio

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Sunday 14 open day at the Four Seasons Christmas

Sunday 14 December, in the city's largest private garden, that of the Four Seasons Hotel Firenze, will host the seventh edition of the Open Day in favor of the Institute of the Innocents. It is now one of the most anticipated in view of the holiday season, capace di unire il piacere di una giornata in compagnia di famiglia e amici ad […]

Al Teatro di Cestello “Risate al 23° piano”

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Al Teatro di Cestello "Laughter on the 23rd floor"

The Theatre of basket greets the old year to welcome the new with a funny comedy by Neil Simon, "Laughter on the 23rd floor" with Directed by Marcello Ancillotti, production The Upper Room Youth - Theatre basket. The show will be staged 12,13,14,19,20,21,26,27,28,31 December and 2,3,4 January 2015 at […]

In Piazza il Presepe del Quartiere 2

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In the Manger Square Quarter 2

A Villa Arrivabene, headquarters of District 2 City of Florence, was inaugurated Monday 8 December, the Nativity in the square, brainchild Group Donatello. The representation of the Nativity, with silhouettes in size wooden, was placed in past years in Piazzale Donatello, ma lo scorso anno fu rubato il Gesù Bambino […]

Pranzo di Natale targato Pinchiorri per Montedomini

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Christmas lunch weblog Pinchiorri for Montedomini

Was held Thursday 11 December in the exclusive and elegant atmosphere of the Hotel Four Seasons the traditional Christmas lunch offered by the Enoteca Pinchiorri elderly guests Montedomini. Annie and Giorgio Pinchiorri renewed for the fifth consecutive year their friendship against Montedoimini and his guests. Quest’anno poi all’Enoteca Pinchiorri si è aggiunta […]

Firenze: Presepe in terracotta sul Sagrato del Duomo

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Florence: Nativity in terracotta on the esplanade in front of the Cathedral

During the Christmas period the churchyard of the Cathedral of Florence from 2011, by the will of the Cardinal Archbishop Giuseppe Betori, as opposed to the tree Christmas that rages for years alongside the cathedral, is set up a nativity scene with artistic terracotta statues Impruneta, life-size, handmade by an artist of Impruneta, Luigi Mariani, […]

Firenze 2015: omaggio alla Immacolata Concezione

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Florence 2015: tribute to the Immaculate Conception

The full text of the Supplication to the Madonna directed by Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, for the traditional tribute, the Loggia del Bigallo, in Cathedral Square, in Florence, on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. This year also dedicated to the next national event, in the Tuscan capital, Italian Episcopal Conference of November 2015. Le riprese […]

Maria Cristina Ogier. Il più felice dei miei giorni

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Maria Cristina Ogier. The happiest of my days

Short existence to this Servant of God, spent living with cancer, she was diagnosed as a child, yet a full life, adventurous, joyful now being told by the journalist of the newspaper The Nation in the book “Maria Cristina Ogier. The happiest of my days”, published by the Società Editrice Fiorentina, (168 pages, 12 […]

Firenze: riapre il Presepe ai Bassi

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Florence: reopen the Nativity to the Netherlands

It seemed an impossible task to achieve up to a year ago, Yet volunteers crèche parish of SS. Name of Jesus to Netherlands, via the Netherlands, Argingrosso area, in Florence, they succeeded. Implementing a decision at the same time painful and surprising taken last January, hanno smantellato completamente lo stupendo Presepe che […]

I film in sala dall’11 dicembre

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The movie in the theater from December 11

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 11 December. The rich, il povero e il maggiordomo Genere: Comedy Director: Aldo, John, James, Morgan Bertacca Cast: Aldo, John, James, Francesca Blacks, Giuliana Lojodice, Sara D'Amario, Massimo Popolizio Giacomo è un ricco e spregiudicato broker […]