Tsev »2014 (Nplooj ntawv 5)

L’immaginario visuale del Sessantotto

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Nrig txog kev pom imagery ntawm RAUCAUM yim

Opens rau hnub Saturday 13 Hlis ntuj nqeg ntawm 15.30, Thaum cov Academy ntawm nrag hauv Florence, ricasoli Street 66, tus exhibition "The xav txog tej yam pom of the rau caum - yim hnub no", ntawm qhov tsis ntev los no internship uas muaj cov me nyuam kawm ntawm Florentine Academy, nyob rau hauv cov kev taw qhia txog Prof.. Tommaso Tozzi ntawm Academy thiab Prof. Adriana Dadà ntawm lub chaw rau kev tshawb fawb txog thiab kev Archive […]

Domenica 14 al Four Season open day natalizio

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Hnub xya 14 Plaub lub caij Christmas qhib ib hnub

Hnub xya 14 Hlis ntuj nqeg, nyob hauv lub nroog ntawd ntau tshaj tsoom vaj, plaub lub caij Hotel Florence, qhov ib tsab xya hnub qhib yuav hais in favour of rau lub koom haum ntawm innocents. Tam sim no yog ib lub sijhawm tseem muab nyob rau lub caij christmas, tau muab cov Library ib hnub nyob hauv cov tuam txhab ntawm tsev neeg thiab cov phooj ywg […]

Al Teatro di Cestello “Risate al 23° piano”

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Theatre ntawm pob-tawb "laughs rau hauv pem teb 23rd"

Basketball Theatre hails xyoo laus mus txais tos cov tshiab nrog ib funny Neil Simon comedy, "Tis rau hauv pem teb 23rd" uas yog tus muaj koob muaj npe los ntawm Marcello Ancillotti, ntau lawm tus hluas hmo – Basketball. Qhov pom tias yuav tau staged rau 12,13,14,19,20,21,26,27,28,31 Hlis ntuj nqeg thiab 2,3,4 Lub ib hlis ntuj 2015 tom […]

In Piazza il Presepe del Quartiere 2

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Nyob rau hauv 20 rov rau qhov ze Square 2

Nyob Villa Arrivabene, lub tsev hauv paus rau lub koog tsev kawm ntawv 2 lub municipality ntawm Florence, inaugurated busy 8 Hlis ntuj nqeg, Lub Nativity scene hauv lub xwmfab, yug los ntawm ib lub tswv yim ntawm cov Donatello pab pawg. Tus sawv cev ntawm tus Nativity, cov life-size ntoo silhouettes, yog tso rau hauv lub xyoo dhau los rau donatello xwmfab, tiam sis xyoo tas los no cov me nyuam Yexus raug nyiag […]

Pranzo di Natale targato Pinchiorri per Montedomini

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Christmas su weblog Pinchiorri rau Montedomini

Nws twb nyob rau hnub plaub 11 Hlis ntuj nqeg hauv cov kom thiab elegant cua Hotel plaub hloov cov tshuaj noj su Christmas uas muab los ntawm lub Enoteca Pinchiorri rau cov laus qhua ntawm Montedomini. Annie thiab Giorgio Pinchiorri mus yuav tshiaj tag lawv friendship Montedoimini thiab nws qhua rau xyoo fifth uake. Xyoo no, Pinchiorri caw kav tau koom los ntawm […]

Firenze: Presepe in terracotta sul Sagrato del Duomo

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Florence: Terracotta Nativity scene rau lub Parvis ntawm cov Cathedral

On the occasion of Christmas caij, tus churchyard ntawm lub Cathedral Florence 2011, yog Cardinal Archbishop Giuseppe Betori, as opposed to ntoo Christmas lawm raging alongside tus cathedral lub xyoo, tus artistic nativity scene nrog terracotta saum yog teeb, Life-size, xuas tes ua los ntawm ib tug Artist of Impruneta, Louis Mariani, […]

Firenze 2015: omaggio alla Immacolata Concezione

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Florence 2015: homage los ntawm Immaculate Conception

Qhov no nws yog cov ntawv nyeem daim ntawv qhia txog ntawm cov lus thov piv yeem rau peb cov poj niam qhia los Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, on the occasion of cov tsoos tribute, lub Loggia del Bigallo, nyob rau hauv piazza Duomo, nyob rau hauv Florence, on the occasion of lub solemnity ntawm cov Immaculate Conception. Xyoo no rau lwm lub teb chaws tej, nyob rau hauv lub peev Tuscan, tus txiv Italian Bishops kev sib tham thaum lub kaum ib hlis 2015. Filming […]

Maria Cristina Ogier. Il più felice dei miei giorni

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Maria Cristina Ogier. Lub happiest ntawm kuv lub hnub

Ib me ntsis hav zoov uas Vajtswv no tub qhe, ho nyob rau ib lub pob, leej twg tau kuaj li ib tug me nyuam, tsis tau ib daim ntawv qhia txog lub neej, Adventurous, tam sim no tau hais los ntawm tus journalist ntawm cov ntawv xov xwm rau cov teb chaws nyob hauv phau ntawv “Maria Cristina Ogier. Lub happiest ntawm kuv lub hnub”, luam tawm los ntawm lub Fiorentina Publishing Society, (168 nplooj ntawv, 12 […]

Firenze: riapre il Presepe ai Bassi

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Florence: rov qhib lub txaj thaiv npoo ntawm qes

Mag ib qho tsis yooj yim sua feat yuav ua kom tiav ib xyoos dhau los, tsis tau txog lub nativist tuaj pab dawb rau cov sS parish. Lub npe Yexus nyob hauv lub Netherlands, Ntawm dei Bassi, Cheeb tsam Argwholesale, nyob rau hauv Florence, lawv muab succeeded. Muab rau txim ntawm ib yam sij hawm mob, thiab tsimnyog ua lub ib hlis ntuj kawg, lawv yuav rhuav tus zoo nkauj Nativity scene uas […]

I film in sala dall’11 dicembre

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Tsos cov chav los ntawm lub 11 hlis ntuj nqeg

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 11 Hlis ntuj nqeg. Tus nplua nuj, cov neeg pluag thiab tus butler tub los ntxhais: Comedy Director: Aldo, Giovanni, James, Morgan Bertacca Cast: Aldo, Giovanni, James, Francesca Neri, Giuliana Lojodice, Sara D'Amario, Massimo Popolizio Giacomo yog ib tug nplua nuj thiab unscrupulous broker […]