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Turismo geotermico in Toscana: nel 2014 record di visite

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Geothermal Tourism in Tuscany: in 2014 records of visits

Does not stop the Tuscan geothermal Enel Green Power, not only for the production of electricity from renewable source which provides for the 26,5% of the electricity needs regional, but also for the great value that goes more and more taking in terms of culture and tourism. Official data 2014 tourism geothermal, […]

“Il Tribuno Pretoriano” di Pino Campo

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“The Praetorian Tribune” Pine Camp

Roman Empire, Diocletian, Barbarians, legionnaires, Constantine, Terenzio, Prisco, Dacia and especially Livio Ventidio, are all protagonists of the new novel by Pino Field - The Tribune Praetorian. The novel is of historic,, the writer investigates facts and events recently treated in general, ha una buona capacità di trasportare lo scrittore all’interno della […]

“Ciak sul lavoro”, rassegna film allo Spazio Alfieri

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"Action on the job", film review at Spazio Alfieri

Will be Luigi Lo Cascio, Riccardo Milani, Gianni di Gregorio, Antonio Morabito and Ivano de Matteo filmmakers guests of the 10th "Action at work", The film festival dedicated to the world of work which will be held from 1 April to 5 May the Space Alfieri Florence (hours 21, entrance 3 euro). The review, curata da […]

“Jailbait – L’esca” di Lorenzo Vercellino

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“Jailbait – The bait” Lorenzo Vercellino

Lorenzo Vercellino, class 1972, lawyer by profession, begins with his first novel, entitled "Jailbait - Bait". The novel is full of surprises, all dialogue lies perfectly to every character that differs from all other, for characteristics. The backbone of the story is the inspector Massimo Meltemi, 37 years, lavora da tanti […]

Calcio storico, approvato il nuovo Regolamento

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Historic football, approved the new Regulations

Privacy Florentineness, new rules of the game and new sanctions, but also changing the role and composition of the Board of festivals and traditions, are some of the innovations contained in the new "Rules of organization and discipline of parties and Florentine traditions and historical re-enactment of the game of Soccer Florentine", approvato dalla Giunta e discusso […]

26 marzo: all’Obihall “Il Mio Gesù” di Beppe Dati

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26 March: Obihall "My Jesus" Beppe Data

Again Leonardo Pieraccioni binds his name and his face to the mission of the Foundation Cure2Children, bringing care to children of the world suffering from cancer and blood diseases directly in their country. This time even lend their voice, in the unusual role of singer. In fact participate in "My Jesus" Beppe Data, […]

25 marzo all’Obihall IV Convegno Nazionale sulla Dislessia

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25 March Obihall IV National Conference on Dyslexia

Dyslexia is classified among the Specific Learning Disorders (DSA) as the difficulty that some people have to read quickly and correctly. This difficulty is not due to reduced intelligence quotient by the person concerned, or by lack of education or other sensory deficits. There is talk of: DISLESSIA – se il soggetto ha […]

Venerdì 27 marzo la Via Crucis dei Giovani della Diocesi di Firenze

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Friday 27 March, the Way of the Cross Youth of the Diocese of Florence

Friday 27 marzo si terrà la tradizionale Via Crucis dei Giovani della Diocesi di Firenze, which this year will focus sull'esortazione Papa Francesco "We need bridges, not walls!”. The departure is scheduled at 21 from Florence Cathedral, then the Via Crucis will wind along Via Roma, Republic Square, Via Calimala, Loggia del […]

I film in sala dal 26 marzo

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In room movies 26 March

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 26 March. French Connection Genere: Thriller Directed by: Cedric Jimenez Cast: Jean Dujardin, Gilles Lellouche, Céline Sallette, Doutey, Benoît Magimel, Guillaume Gouix, Bruno Todeschini, Féodor Atkine, Moussa Maaskri Marsiglia, 1975. Pierre Michel, giovane magistrato appena arrivato […]

La “Solita Commedia”, al cinema, con Biggio e Mandelli

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The “Solita Comedy”, the movies, with Biggio and Mandelli

2015: Hell is in chaos. A host of new sinners comes every day to crowd the offices of Minos, assigned to the sorting of the damned in the various departments. But Hell is an older facility, antiquated: new sinners (Computer hackers, pornomani, unruly traffic, tecno-forth-, as well as many others), not finding the right place, end up […]