Borgo Ognissanti: the 27 road safety day

sicurezza stradale giovaniNext Saturday, 27 September, by 10 at 18 in Piazza Borgo Ognissanti there will be a day dedicated to the education of elementary school children on the main road safety rules.

L’evento, organized by Budget Car Rental in collaboration with the Association Borgognissanti, the Department of Education and the State Police, also provides for the accession of the traffic police through the use of the Blue Pullman and Police personnel dedicated road safety education.

Many of the activities organized in the square, that were presented in the Palazzo Vecchio Vicesindaca Cristina Giachi, Quaestor by Raffaele Micillo, by Alessio Di Nucci of Avis Budget Group and the President of the association Borgognissanti Fabrizio Carabba.

"It's a well organized event but especially useful – said Vicesindaca Giachi -.Ogni time in which we can see the contribution that comes from civil society and by the company to improve the educational condition of our citizens, especially the younger, take flight to the opportunities offered to us and how we can collaborate to why initiatives like this are valuable and help us to meet even the few resources that we can often allocate from the point of view of economic investment in key issues and priorities for the government of the city as, eg, road safety education ".

"Having citizens more aware – added Giachi – who are familiar with the rules of the road and that may also include hidden dangers, sometimes invisible and that they can escape, is a goal that aims at civic growth of the city ".

By means of electric cars Fiat 500 Convertible, Children will follow a route with real road signs and junctions, supported by officers from the Traffic Police who will provide all the information on the correct compliance with the rules of the road; in addition to, the traffic police will set up a dedicated space to adults for a simulation view of reality in a state of intoxication, through glasses that simulate vision at different levels.

In Piazza Borgo Ognissanti there will also be a stand Mukki milk (Central Dairy in Florence) with the distribution of free milk and snacks and an inflatable Budget Car Rental, with the presence of 2 real cars, a Fiat 500 and a Fiat 500L.

It also provided entertainment for the little ones with two entertainers to inflate balloons to entertain them during breaks with music.

Stand Budge Car gadgets and other materials will be distributed.

Nicola Nuti

By the number 32 – The Year of 24/09/2014