Ente Cassa Florence catalyst of international capital to the territory

Vice Presidente Pierluigi Rossi Ferrini Presidente Tombari, Direttore generale Renato Gordini ente crf"The Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze want to be even more central for our area and why he wants to become the subject catalyst and also manager of other people's resources, oriented to the creation of national partnerships and, if possible, International to find new capital for Florence and its territory to implement high-profile initiatives in the field of art, cultural and social ".

And 'one of the most significant points of the program five-year term presented to the press by the new President Umberto Tombari which also announced a strong commitment to the school, university and also training of young people and the strategic choice to be less and less simple providers of subsidies and increasing promoters of their own projects.

Present at the meeting the Deputy Chairman Pierluigi Rossi Ferrini and the Director-General Renato Gordini.

"Our Foundation - said Tombari - already plays an important role both at national and regional levels as shown (and I mean, for brevity, only to the years 2010-2014) the almost 3.000 funded projects for over 135 million euro of donations that have generated a lever, according to our estimates, over 800 million. Not to mention the large projects such as, eg, il Novecento Museum, the birth of the Fondazione Teatro della Pergola, the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, Opera in Florence Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, the new lighting of the Cascine ".

"However, we must try to imagine - continued – also new ways to increase the resources. For this reason, we thought that, focusing on the strong appeal of Florence, especially in the field of cultural and artistic, Ente Cassa may apply for accreditation as an autonomous subject capable of banishing and co-finance its own projects and call for large private parties participate in national and international, as it can be, eg, tycoons and big Foundations International. The goal is to multiply this via the disbursements in the area and make the city more and more the center of attention and the international debate. Certainly an ambitious project that has as its advisor The European House-Ambrosetti and for which I would like to involve some famous Florentines, known at an international level ".

"This international outlook - added – is only the beginning of a new path that we want to give to the next five years and that is strongly based towards a policy of disbursements less focused on applications (and for which we expect a close monitoring in a manner more similar to those used for European projects) and more targeted on projects of their structural and 'Ente Cassa we intend to implement, even in our autonomy, also in collaboration with other local institutions, national and international. All 'inside of this framework in an increasing role it should assume a policy to support youth and economic development, social and cultural development without neglecting, Of course, our traditional areas of intervention and that they always have a great importance as the environment and scientific and technological research. We can not forget, Of course, the context in which we operate and we will continue to keep our commitments in key areas such as art, l'culture and environment. Our biggest effort will, however, be able to pass from the promotion of a 'welfare curative' (which intervenes when the situation is already critical) to a 'welfare budget', to use an 'expression of the British sociologist Anthony Giddens, focuses on 'investment in human capital and on trying to help people to help themselves. We wish to, essentially, become more and more modern institution that seeks to address the root causes of social problems, economic and cultural factors that hinder the development of the community investing more in human capital ".

"At the same time - stressed – we intend to strengthen the dialogue with the institutions and bodies of the most dynamic cities participating or proposing communal tables on some of the issues that we will face in the coming months. In fact, I recorded a strong line and a strong desire to draw together the future of Florence, starting with the mayor Dario Nardella and the President of the Chamber of Commerce Leonardo Bassilichi, the rector Alberto Tesi. We want to increase our ability to actively influence on the development of the territory embracing the needs that come to us individually but also directing this process in our increasingly organic program. Are some concrete examples of the creation of a portal welfare at the regional level (we will present a brief) e the Avvio, within one year after a long preparatory phase and design, the construction of the 'House of solidarity' that arise in the Novoli and that is promoted by Caritas ".

"We want to devote new energy - said Tombari – to schools and to young and not so young (ie those who have lost their jobs and who need a support intervention) as well as the inclusion and reintegration into the labor market because we believe basic training and attention to the new generation that will then be the leaders of the future. We are already working for a long time and successfully with the project Portaleragazzi.it for the spread of a conscious use of new technology and the web in the school, but we want to strengthen our interventions in this field with initiatives targeting both students and teachers. We intend to address the archipelago young people both in training and starting to work in the post-graduate and higher education but without forgetting those who have dropped out of school (drop-outs who are in Tuscany 20% of the school population) and who is not engaged in any course of education and training (the so-called Neet). We also intend to involve young people in our projects Motu just because we are certain that their ideas and suggestions can improve the effectiveness of our proposals aimed precisely at this age ".

"As is evident from this illustration - continued Tombari - see our Foundation as a large multidisciplinary laboratory and incubator of ideas that seeks to reflect, develop and then propose new ideas to the community, energy to meet the challenges of our time with appropriate cultural and economic instruments for which we intend to intensify our relations with the other bank foundations of Tuscany. E 'in this spirit that we intend to resume the meetings with the contemporary scene that can help us to read this and that we would like presented and compared with young researchers in a unique' ping-pong generational '".

"The strategy to promote comprehensive programs – has conclusive – and who have a strong impact also on economic and employment unfolds further with our project of enhancement of cultural and territorial Small Great Museums that next year (is the tenth edition) will be dedicated to the art of the twentieth century in Tuscany and will be among those officially presented by the Region of Tuscany in Pavilion at Expo 2015. Always Expo for our Observatory for arts and crafts (Their) is preparing a guide of Italian excellence in the field of artistic. We took action to one of the most important events of the next year (if not the most important) with two proposals that enhance many aspects for which Tuscany is famous in the world ".

Tombari addressed finally a thank you to its predecessor Giampiero Maracchi, Vice President Pierluigi Rossi Ferrini, the Director-General Renato Gordini, besides the whole structure for the help they received in these first months of activity.

The team Ente Cassa is in fact in daily contact with the land and also has the delicate task of conducting the examination and the first investigation of the practices that, every year, are submitted to the consideration and approval of the organs of the Foundation. For the 2015 are well 1.075.

Responding to questions from journalists, said he was "very pleased with the investment in Intesa Sanpaolo and the business plan drawn up by the managing director Charles Messina".

Regarding the participation in AdF and always answering the questions of journalists said they "consider strategic shareholding until the completion of the aggregation process with Pisa and the building of the new track".

Frank Mariani

By the number 32 – The Year of 24/09/2014