Ganzo: Show of Jean Marc Montel

CowGanzo, school restaurant and experiential educational workshop in Via dei Macci 85 / r host from Wednesday 18 February, the exhibition of paintings by Jean Marc Montel, 18 works by the artist of the Sardinian mother and French father.

Its double origin inspired the particularities of his works dedicated to nature in a synergy of colors and traits that denote a personality who not only loves nature but that he lived, perceived deeply in the places of his childhood and has always sought close contact with it.

Jean Marc, after working as a steward, he then retired with his family to Montespertoli, in the heart of Tuscany, where he likes to use his hands as an artist even in the art of carpentry.

His models are painting of Pablo Piccasso, Joaquin Sorolla Kelly Ellisworth, but found his own style in a self-expression that, looking at his works, has certainly recognized in a, maybe, unwitting inspiration.

The horses, eg, which have become essential parts of his creations and that will be exhibited in his canvases to Ganzo, are a novelty in his unquenchable continue also in the research and study of new subjects

The exhibition is curated by Julia Ennis, Alyssa Severe ,Jaqueline Krigbaum, Emily Junker, Michaela Bubier (Exibition Curating Experential Learning).

Until 17 March from Monday to Friday from 12 at 24 with free admission.

Cecilia Latches

By the number 52 - Year II 18/02/2015