The sounds of the Divine Comedy in Santa Croce

dante 3On the occasion of the National Congress, a tribute to the 750 years of the birth of Dante.

The initiative, based on the 'sound' of the Divine Comedy, is part of a series of cultural events that the Archdiocese of Florence will propose to the delegates of the conference, but also to the citizens, tourists, and schools in the Florence.

Interpret making perceptible the soundscape and emotional of the Divine Comedy, reinterpreting the sounds and noises that Dante describes as a metaphor to describe what its nature defies words.

The work of the great poet is in fact full of references to the experience acoustic and sensory, so that each Cantica is characterized by a special timbre, and the prevalence of sounds dark and closed in Hell and sounds crystal clear and open in Paradise.

It goes accompanied by Dante inharmonies from the "desperate cries" Hell, the "sweet symphony of Paradise", from the chaos and noise unsettling, harmony and even the silence of Paradise.

This idea has the draft action sound into three parts and three transitions by Culter with Real Time that will be developed in collaboration with Opera di Santa Croce, and presented at the National Congress entitled "In Jesus Christ the New Humanism", scheduled 9 al 12 November 2015.

The initiative is part of a series of cultural events that the Archdiocese of Florence will propose to the delegates of the conference, but also to the citizens and tourists, because they are compared directly with the artistic beauty of Florence and at the same time experience how art is an expression of the relationship with the Infinite that became Man.

TO 750 years from birth, while discussing Florence of 'new humanism', is then paid tribute to Dante that more than any other poet has been able to tell the journey, the search for truth and faith, the man whose very nature is made, as he himself says, for "trasumanar", beyond the Human.

Combining acoustic elements and moments of interaction between the viewer / listener and large groups of people of all ages, be so designed three different sound environments - Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise - that immerse viewers in an acoustic and perceptual impactful.

The public will be well accompanied inside the complex of Santa Croce in a journey that will touch three environments, Crypt, the Sacristy (hosting the Cimabue Crucifix) and the Pazzi Chapel, each dedicated to a canto of the Divine Comedy. Each of these environments, through sound, setting the monumental architecture of the Holy Cross, and the very words of Dante, will offer an approach to sensory experience described in the Divine Comedy.

The initiative, addressed to the participants, but also to tourists and residents, will be proposed in the days of the conference and provides numerous copies for schools in the Florence.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 59 - Year II 8/04/2015