“The Dragon, the guardian, the stranger” Enrico Pompeo

facebook_1473925833833"Here is the player who bites first, Who does not linger. Predators are born, but above all it becomes. "

With this reflection I introduce the new book by Enrico Pompeo, that makes us get into a triple affair.

Characters in this story are three episodes, per l’appunto: the Dragon, that takes advantage of its wealth and its power to pass over the other with arrogance; the Keeper, cold drug dealer who lives holed up away from it all; and the Stranger, wandering among the areas of Brazil facing huge penalties and difficulties to survive.

Three different stories, linked by a single destiny that will become clear with the progress of reading. Three adventures of body and spirit, because the insights are many, enriched by a constant negative opinion on the current state of affairs.

The main theme, In fact, It is "the law of the jungle": Also in modern society, human, far from the wild life, It is the strongest to prevail. The Dragon, the Guardian and the Stranger show us - both in the role of prey to predators - this harsh reality, where each individual, He moved from his innermost instincts, He tries to harm others and to eliminate anyone who is an obstacle to the fulfillment of his desires. Each sees in the near an enemy or a victim to be exploited as much as possible.

Non adatto a una lettura veloce, but useful to learn about such crucial issues of the modern world. Recommended for lovers of social and real reflections. Trama, pen and descriptions deserve 4 stelle su 5.

"'The Dragon, the guardian, the stranger 'comes from the desire to tell a story describing some' contemporary beasts' - the author explains - and through their adventures also a possible path of atonement. Many books have been influential in my life. Recently I read a lot David Foster Wallace, whose atmospheres have an echo in the novel. mentor: Fabrizio de André, Calvino, Dostoevsky, but only as a distant landmarks ".

"The law of the jungle is a sensitive issue, to which, unfortunately, there are many who come to terms with resignation. We live in a world that offers a model of existence that is based on violence - continues Enrico - on the powerful tyranny on his fellow man. It's a fact. Writing can help to imagine different realities and to stimulate a change ".

"Read my book because it has rhythm, it is fluid, It seems like a screenplay for a movie. To know people and situations that are often far from the spotlight. For the future - concludes Pompey - I have in mind a collection of short writings: photographs of parts of reality that do not easily find the path to exit the gray in which they are locked. Then another novel, but it is only, at the moment, images and unstructured ideas ".

Enrico Pompeo, 4 stelle su 5, Creative editions.

Eleonora Marseille
Blog Eleonora Marsella

By the number 130 – Anno III del 19/10/2016