“Jailbait – The bait” Lorenzo Vercellino

1escaLorenzo Vercellino, class 1972, lawyer by profession, begins with his first novel, entitled "Jailbait - Bait".

The novel is full of surprises, all dialogue lies perfectly to every character that differs from all other, for characteristics.

The backbone of the story is the inspector Massimo Meltemi, 37 years, worked for many years in the police, and lately has been moved to the department 'post' where she works to uncover scams, pedophiles and things somewhat illegal.

The novel, of about 300 pages, it rattles around a real issue but that in Italy has not had it easy, ovvero PAY TO PAIN, essentially victims are tortured by third parties via a text message to the executioner indicate what to do with their victim. The story is a continuous follow-makers, trace, find, catch them, and the final, unexpected, makes us understand that in life nothing is as it seems, Indeed, the perfect bait is one that does not know it.

“I chose an evocative title – tells the Author – a perversion quite common these days (probably also in the past but with less resonance today). Come sai Jailbait significa “esca per la galera” e nel gergo della rete indica quelle ragazze molto giovani che non potrebbero acconsentire ad un rapporto sessuale, but appearing much larger than their age induce a mistake that can cost the jail. The book is a series, unforced (i guess) twists that lead to the last and (I hope) most unexpected reversal in the face”.

“Contains elements that could be called autobiographical – ci precisa l’Autore - perché ho diluito una parte di me in ogni personaggio, by Massimo Grandma Ida, Allegri by Rebecca. But then I also did mention each of them as I would have done some of the people I know who are closest to me. I think this is inevitable for this writer, or at least I do so because they are so good at inventing every single episode described. We only hope that all who read the book will not even ask if I like Meltemi ...”.

Jailbait is a novel, mostly invented, “However, I like to think that those who read it, especially if young or very young, will have some 'straight’ more when you move the web”.

Despite the novel revolves around sex, who has read it has judged Jailbait a romance on the animal that feeds on human love, who needs love at any age.

The difficult thing is to understand what kind of love each of us is looking for.

Eleonora Marseille

Blog Eleonora Marsella

By the number 58 - Year II 1/04/2015

Jaibait- the bait, 314 pages, 9,90 euro. www.jailbait.it

For the purchase of Amazon