“The three rules” Marco D'Ambrosio

Cover_HS19_3REGOLE-page-003Would you like to live without problems and have an open mind willing to every situation?

Through the new book by Marco D'Ambrosio, "The three rules", can improve their way of thinking through small suggestions that the writer, life & wellness Coach, We also suggest using a number of small.

The book is a paperback, necklace Self Help, Taita Press publisher, cover price 7,90 euro.

The rules suggested by D'Ambrosio are really simple, if applied prove to be efficient since the first approach.

The rules are in the specific three: credici, accedi ad un livello di pensiero superiore, libera la tua creatività.

Lo scrittore ci suggerisce durante la lettura alcuni esercizi da eseguire, to get closer to its line of thought.

Marco was formed in Humanistic Coaching at the Italian School of Life & Corporate Coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming at the Academy of Coach, with which currently works: a personal profile really unusual that of the writer who, will totally change lifestyle, is the seguirete.

La professione di Coachracconta D’Ambrosioprevede essenzialmente delle sessioni di coaching one to one, ma nel tempo è nato in me il desiderio di supportare un maggior numero di persone e in questa direzione un libro mi è parso lo strumento più efficace. Il mio obiettivo è dunque quello di provocare nei lettori la presa di consapevolezza dei propri punti di forza, their mindsets, their current situation and the desired state, with the ultimate goal to push them to action. In the specific, "The 3 Rules ", addresses the issue of creativity, exalting the power that it possesses in solving the problems and challenges of life.

AND’ importante leggere il suo libro perchéfornisce l’opportunità di interiorizzare un punto di vista nuovo, more positive, responsible and proactive with respect to the challenges of life, favoring hiring an attitude very effective and decisive”.

Eleonora Marseille

Blog Eleonora Marsella

By the number 56 - Year II 18/03/2015

To delve into the world of wellness coach, e altre notizie sul libro e l’autore.


