Sale: strong sales in decline

saldiDopo il susseguirsi di notizie positive sull’andamento delle vendite in occasione dei saldi, Now it seems there is a big drop.

Takes stock of the situation, the general manager of Confcommercio Tuscany Franco Marinoni: "In the early days of sales optimism salt: on the one hand the enthusiasm of consumers, that finally can afford to buy something affordable, the other the trust of traders, that after months of lean seen crowding the stores customers. But after these first three weeks we have to admit that overall improvement in sales compared to 2014 was on balance slightly, first of all because in that increase less any large losses had this year due to non-winter. In practice, families were able to skip the start of season purchases to take advantage of discounts. Secondly, because after a few days the turnout decreases ".

Confirmation Federica Grassini, Fashion Federation president Confcommercio Tuscany: "The state of serious decline in recent months is difficult to recover. Unfortunately for many companies during the sales can take a sigh of relief, there are still many forced to close its doors. The sector has also confirmed this year the great economic difficulties ".

"Apart from a few niche markets - continues Marinoni - the trust of our retailers is concentrated on a few days of the year. In 2014 in business, but I would say around the tertiary market, the relationship between open and closed businesses was worse than in 2013. The employment data also indicate that in Italy, from the statistical point of view, we reached an exceptionally low number of people working: consumption can only go down. The bonus 80 euro, if it served to make up for some difficulties, did not get that building trust in which we hoped ".

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 49 - Year II 28/01/2015