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Il mais per mantenere in forma il cervello

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Maize to keep the brain in shape

Il mais o granturco è un alimento molto nutriente, thanks to substances that contain. In fact this is the vitamin B1, which helps to keep in shape the activities of brain cells involved; il beta carotene, which delays the age-related eye degeneration; la vitamina b12 e l’acido folico che svolgono un’azione preventiva contro l’anemia causata […]

Olio extra vergine di oliva: elisir di lunga vita

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Extra virgin olive oil: Elixir of life

Among the various foods that can do well in our body are definitely extra virgin olive oil, Elixir of life. In fact, the extra virgin olive oil contains no proteins, carbohydrates, fibers, but cholesterol fats, yours in saturated or polyunsaturated and evil or good as oleic acid, effective for lowering LDL cholesterol. The oil […]