Home » 2014 » September (Page 6)

RIFICOLONA 6: partenza dei 600 pellegrini a piedi

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RIFICOLONA 6: departures 600 Pilgrims walk

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

RIFICOLONA 5: Omaggio alla Madonna dell’Impruneta

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RIFICOLONA 5: Homage to the Madonna of Impruneta

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

RIFICOLONA 4: Coro di CL Basilica Mariana dell’Impruneta

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RIFICOLONA 4: Choir of CL Marian Basilica of Impruneta

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

RIFICOLONA 3: Coro di CL Basilica Mariana dell’Impruneta

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RIFICOLONA 3: Choir of CL Marian Basilica of Impruneta

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

RIFICOLONA 2: Coro di CL Basilica Mariana dell’Impruneta

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RIFICOLONA 2: Choir of CL Marian Basilica of Impruneta

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

RIFICOLONA 1: Discorso Vescovo Maniago partenza pellegrinaggio

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RIFICOLONA 1: Speech Bishop Maniago departure pilgrimage

On the occasion of the Feast of Rificolona 2014, organized by the Society of Rificolona, the weekly Florentine La Terrazza di Michelangelo has followed all the events of traditional Florentine festival, the beginning of the pilgrimage walk from the Basilica of Impruneta to that of the Santissima Annunziata – aperto dal discorso del Vescovo Ausiliare Claudio Maniago e chiuso da quello del […]

Poppi: borgo medioevale e rara città murata

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Poppi: and rare medieval walled city

First appointment with the new heading "Places". Today we will talk about Poppi, a beautiful Tuscan town of 6.396 inhabitants in the province of Arezzo. The town is on the list of most beautiful villages in Italy. Poppi is placed at the center of the Casentino (437 meters above sea level), before the Arno valley between the provinces of Arezzo and Florence, […]

La Finocchiona: storia e curiosità di un salume toscano

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The Finocchiona: history and curiosity of a Tuscan salami

Where does the finocchiona? The authorship of this meat is claimed by both Campi Bisenzio from Greve in Chianti. Its origins, however, lie in the Middle Ages, when, to provide for the use of the then rare and expensive pepper, we thought it well to add to the mix of fennel seeds, more readily available, convenienti e adatti anche a nascondere […]

Prefetto e Sindaco cambiano la movida fiorentina

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Prefect and Mayor change the nightlife in Florence

Tuesday 9 September was signed in Prefecture, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, the Memorandum of Understanding "Pact for the night" that defines a set of rules because the movida Florentine can be managed and lived in the full life of society. They signed the agreement, the Prefect Luigi Varratta, the mayor Dario Nardella, the President of the District 1 Maurizio Sguanci, Andrea Angelini […]

Cardinale Betori nomina 5 nuovi Vicari e trasferisce numerosi parroci

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Cardinal Betori appointment 5 new Vicari and moved many pastors

Come consuetudine, in early September, Archbishop of Florence announced, during the first fall meeting with priests, new pastoral assignments of priests, to coincide with the new pastoral year. Nominating very atteste especially after the appointment, by Papa Francesco, Auxiliary Bishop, and Vicar General, Mons. Claudio Maniago, Bishop of Castellaneta, […]