Home » 2014 » October

Gli ex Carabinieri Alluvionati di Piazza Stazione pronti a ritornare a Firenze

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Former Police flood victims of Station Square ready to go back to Florence

After the Mud Angels to return to Florence together to relive their efforts to help young people in the city and the people affected by the flood 4 November 1966 Students will be young non-commissioned officers of the Police 59 During the Force Non-Commissioned Officers School in Station Square, young people at that time were between 18 e i […]

4 novembre: 48 Anniversario Alluvione di Firenze

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4 November: 48 Anniversary of Florence Flood

Next Tuesday, 4 November, the city of Florence once again remember the tragic event of flooding that struck on the morning of 4 November 1966 and which cost the lives of 17 Florentines in the city and in 18 people of the province, including two small children 3 years, the smallest flood victims, Marina […]

2 novembre giorno del ricordo dei cari Defunti

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2 November Remembrance Day of the Dead loved ones

In Italy it is customary visit to the festival of the dead, the 2 November, and around the time, both before and after, the graves of their loved ones in the various cemeteries, although these are in other regions, practice often facilitated by the so-called bridge of the saints. In alcune regioni è rimasta immutata la tradizione di portare sulle […]

Sindaco Nardella per 4 giorni in missione in Cina

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Mayor Nardella for 4 days on a mission in China

Four-day mission to China for the mayor Dario Nardella, from 30 October to 3 November, who will visit Nanjing, Ningbo and Shanghai to strengthen relations between Florence and the three Chinese cities. The first stop will be in Nanjing, linked to Florence by the twinning agreement which was signed in 1980 by the then Mayor Elio Gabbuggiani: which […]

Lezione alle Cascine per 300 alunni per conoscere l’Arno

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Lesson for the Cascine 300 students to learn about the Arno

Three hundred children 11 classi delle primarie hanno fatto lezione non in classe, ma al Parco delle Cascine per conoscere l’Arno dalla sorgente fino alla foce, discover the many ways, evident or hidden, with which it has influenced, and still influences, the life of our city, such as floods past. Senza dimenticare gli interventi necessari per […]

I film in sala dal 30 ottobre

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In room movies 30 October

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 30 October. La spia – A Most Wanted Man Genere: Thriller Directed by: Anton Corbijn Cast: Grigory Dobrygin, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Homayoun Ershadi, Mehdi Dehbi, Robin Wright, Rachel McAdams, Nina Hoss, Willem Dafoe, Derya Alabora, Daniel Brühl, […]

Sacri splendori: le reliquie a Palazzo Pitti fino al 2 novembre

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Holy majesty: the remains at the Pitti Palace to the 2 November

Last days for the exhibition Sacred Splendors, open until 2 November to Museo degli Argenti in Florence, in the boardrooms of those who were summer apartments of the Medici Family. The exhibition is dedicated to the reconstruction of the Treasures of the Chapel of the Relics in the Pitti Palace, located on the main floor of the Medici palace, that […]

La Madonna delle Grazie, “dal Ponte al Lungarno”

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Our Lady of Grace, "Bridge the Lungarno"

The 21 May the Oratory of Santa Maria delle Grazie, on the Lungarno Diaz 6, recalled the 140th anniversary of the translation of the fresco of the Madonna delle Grazie, the chapel was originally placed on deck Rubaconte, Today Ponte alle Grazie, up to the present oratory, built inside one of the buildings of the Alberti family. Gli Alberti offrirono generosamente questo spazio […]

La Pergola inaugura la stagione con 6 personaggi di Lavia

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La Pergola opens the season with 6 characters Lavia

In 1948, after the war had damaged the stage, the Pergola was opened again with Six Characters. Was directed by Orazio Costa, Tino Buazzelli in the role of the Father and Rossella Falk in one of Stepdaughter. Lo stesso testo inaugura oggi la nuova Stagione della Pergola, 2014/15 e il suo nuovo cammino produttivo, […]

Alfredo Serri, il pittore musicista che non amava farsi pubblicità

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Alfredo Serri, painter musician who did not like to advertise

Until 18 January at the Exhibition Area Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze and presents the exhibition “Alfredo Serri. The universe comes together in silence ", shows the first student of Annigoni, un centinaio di opere per la prima antologica dedicata all’artista (1898-1972), protagonist of the twentieth century. Le opere, nell’esposizione curata da Stefano De Rosa, provengono in gran parte dalla […]

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