Home » 2014 » December » 17

Al Verdi ritorna Giuseppe Fiorello con il suo sogno

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Green returns to the Giuseppe Fiorello with his dream

After the success in the last season, where exactly in Florence was the first in the preferences of subscribers, Teatro Verdi Giuseppe Fiorello back with "I think a dream so" where the artist meets, and talks to himself as a child, laughs of his shyness, outdated, and brings to life the stories, le immagini e i racconti […]

I film in sala dal 18 dicembre

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In room movies 18 December

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 18 December. The Hobbit - The Battle of Five Armies Gender: Adventure, Fantastic Regia: Peter Jackson Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Elijah Wood, Richard Armitage, Cate Blanchett, Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Evangeline Lilly, Orlando Bloom, Luke Evans, Christopher […]

A Firenze per i regali natalizi solo 250 euro a famiglia

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In Florence for Christmas gifts only 250 euro per family

On the streets there is an air of celebration, but inside the shops things are not going well at all, you spend on toys and electronics, mentre per il resto, you opt for the classic “pensierino”, small objects for the home, intimate, some ideas in perfumery and, on the slope of clothing, especially gloves and scarves. Secondo i dati di Confcommercio […]

Giocattoli: consigli per gli acquisti, no al “Made in China”

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Toys: tips for shopping, no al “Made in China”

Christmas comes and arrive toys, many toys available in stores that reproduce the security issue, seen that 80% of toys imported into the EU are made in China, and the 70% pirated products circulating in Europe is of Chinese origin. And we all know – detects the ADUC, l’Associazione per i diritti degli utenti […]

Mostra su Michelangelo fino al 28 dicembre

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Show on Michelangelo until 28 December

Close with the exhibition "The immortality of a myth - The legacy of Michelangelo in the arts and teaching academics in Florence from the sixteenth century to the contemporary" celebrations for the anniversary of the founding 450mo Academy of Art and Design and the death of Michelangelo Buonarroti, that the centuries-old Florentine institution was the first academic. Scheduled until […]

Castelli da favola in vendita: Toscana la più richiesta

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Fairytale castles for sale: Tuscany the most requested

From north to south Italy are sold dozens of private castles; prices range from 1.200 to 8.500 Euros per square meter for buildings of great charm and value, in perfect condition, some of which are already used as tourist accommodation, in addition to farms. "Only in our website – […]

Accordo FIPE – TripAdvisor sulla ristorazione

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Agreement FIPE – TripAdvisor on food

FIPE, the Italian association of leading companies engaged in catering and territorial representatives of Confcommercio, the association representing the most important service sector in Italy, signed an agreement with TripAdvisor, the largest travel website in the world. La collaborazione prevede una serie di iniziative che includono collegamento dedicato del servizio […]

Alla Pergola il Mercante di Venezia con Silvio Orlando

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Pergola at the Merchant of Venice with Silvio Orlando

After the success of Romeo and Juliet, production Teatro Eliseo 2011, Riccardo Scamarcio and Deniz Ozdogan, was born a new company, the Popular Shakespeare Kompany, which had its official baptism with the play "The Tempest", within the Shakespeare Festival in Verona 2012. La compagnia si impegna ogni anno a mettere […]

Expo2015 I_Dome, la cupola delle esperienze 3D

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Expo2015 I_Dome, the dome of 3D experiences

It has been presented in recent weeks, the headquarters of the regional Tuscan, rendering work that Florence will realize at Expo2015. It's called I_Dome: play outside in shape and architectural proportions Brunelleschi's Dome, materials and contemporary techniques, inside will be a concentrated technological know-how at the service of the Florentine. I_Dome, alta […]

Sos criminalità: 48% dei fiorentini è preoccupato

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Sos crime: 48% Florentines is concerned

Worry about theft, illegal and counterfeiting. For the 48% Florentines perception of security for their business worsened. To tell us is Confcommercio Eurisko survey on criminal phenomena that has pierced the veil on the phenomenon in our city and in our region. I dati sono stati presentati a Palazzo Vecchio nel […]

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