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L’Africa di Tanzini in mostra fino al 30 gennaio

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The Africa Tanzini in view until 30 January

Continua fino al 30 January, alla Casa d’Aste Galleria Pananti di Firenze, la mostra di Armando Tanzini,“Do not forget Africa”. The exposure, visitabile tutti i giorni escluso i festivi con ingresso gratuito dalle ore 15,00 at 19,00, raggruppa 24 opere nella sede espositiva degli Archivi del Novecento a Firenze in viale del Poggio Imperiale n. […]

I 104 Cardinali di Firenze

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THE 104 Cardinals di Firenze

Con la nomina a Cardinale dell’Arcivescovo di Perugia, Mons. Gualtiero Bassetti, they are 104 i Cardinali fiorentini diventati Principi della Chiesa. La cifra si ottiene sommando tre elenchi: quello di Vescovi e Arcivescovi di Firenze elevati alla dignità cardinalizia, il secondo riguarda i fiorentini di nascita, o sacerdoti della diocesi, divenuti Cardinali, il terzo è quello […]

Quando il Vescovo di Firenze sposava la Badessa di San Pier Maggiore

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When the Bishop of Florence married the Abbess of San Pier Maggiore

Everyone knows, priests, Bishops and nuns can't marry. Yet up until 386 they were granted. The rule of celibacy, often disregarded during the middle ages, became binding only in 1564 with the Council of Trent. However Florence until 1585 He had a particular pantry, because the Bishop had the obligation, at its entrance […]

Sr Manuela prima direttrice fiorentina di S. Marta in Vaticano

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Sr Manuela before fiorentina Director of S. Marta in the Vatican

Sister Manuela Latini, Sisters of charity, fiorentina "pure – as likes to call – born in via Dell ' Orcagna", He lives in Scandicci, at the gates of Florence, but for many years was a prominent character in the tiny Vatican State, directing Santa Marta, the most exclusive hotel in Rome, the only present in Vatican, with marble […]

Al via il restauro della Loggia del Pesce

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The restoration of Loggia del Pesce

The Loggia del Pesce is a lodge in Florence situated in piazza dei Ciompi. Once its location was in old market square, on the site of today's piazza della Repubblica, and it was exactly on the West side, where today are the arcades on the side of the Cafe Gambrinus. The loggia was built between August […]

L’abito non fa il monaco ma il Cardinale si

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The clothes do not make the monk, but the Cardinal is

Will Be 19 the brand new red dresses, tailoring-fresh, that parade the 22 February at the Vatican for the consistory. For the Roman ecclesiastice tailors, called the "Santari", the consistory is always a tour de force, since they have little more than a month to achieve them. The most renowned tailoring, in all there are about a dozen, is […]

Papa scrive ai 3.650 presepisti di Firenze

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Pope writes to 3.650 Florence presepisti

As always a great feast in the Church of San Gaetano, Florence, presided over by Cardinal Archbishop, He finished the 12th edition of Capannucce in the city, the event which awards a prize to all children and young people, But even adults and traders, who perform or assist in performing at home, in the parish or school Nativity, true […]

Domenica 19: 100ma Giornata Mondiale Immigrati

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Sunday 19: 100But immigrants ' Day

All day Sunday that multiethnic 19 January when the Archdiocese of Florence will celebrate 100ma world day for migrants. "A good opportunity – writes in the letter of invitation from the Director of the Diocesan Office Migrantes, Father Stefano Messina – to reflect on the problem of refugees and migrants in its entirety and its spillover […]

Russare: sindrome delle apnee ostruttive

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Snoring: obstructive syndrome

The syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea (OSAS) is a growing pathology clinical relevance, characterized by the occurrence of episodes of obstructive sleep apnea. Already in 1889 William Hill recognized symptoms of OSAS, as real illness. Bertiniafferma that the main symptoms consist of: snoring (every night for at least 6 months), sleep apnea […]

Nella Chiesa di S. Carlo il guanto insanguinato di Padre Pio

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In the Church of S. Charles the bloodied glove of Padre Pio

Among the specialties offered by the Church of San Carlo in via Calzaiuoli in Florence, surely one of the most interesting is the permanent exhibition of a glove belonged to Saint Padre Pio. It is exposed on the right wall, in a special reliquary, for direct veneration by the faithful. The relic was donated by the sculptor […]