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Centenario Prima Guerra Mondiale: convegno e mostra della CRI

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Centenary of the First World War: conference and exhibition of the CRI

The geopolitical situation and the outbreak of the Great War, the organization and mobilization of the Italian Red Cross with the existing logistics equipment, up to the hospitals of war and to surgical facilities, sono alcuni dei temi che saranno trattati il 26 and 27 Marzo nel Convegno “Il Corpo Militare della CRI nella Grande Guerra: una storia fatta […]

Mons. Tiripani Vicario Generale Card. Dalla Costa, “Giusto fra le nazioni”

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Mons. Tiripani Vicar General Card. Dalla Costa, "Righteous Among the Nations"

Mons. Mario Tirapani was recognized "Righteous Among the Nations" by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem for saving, hosting them in their own home, three Jewish persecution during the German winter 1943-1944. Fu il Cardinale Elia Dalla Costa, also appointed in 2012 "Righteous Among the Nations", wanting in 1941 Mons. Tirapani as Vicar General of the Archdiocese, […]

La bellezza nei bronzi ellenistici in mostra a Palazzo Strozzi

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The beauty in the Hellenistic bronzes on display at Palazzo Strozzi

In collaboration with J. Paul Getty Museum di Los Angeles, the National Gallery of Art in Washington and the Archaeological Survey of Tuscany, kicked off the exhibition "Power and pathos. Bronzes of the Hellenistic world "in the prestigious Palazzo Strozzi. The show hosts, until 21 June, Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, an […]

Turismo: stranieri, Firenze meglio di Venezia e sotto Roma

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Tourism: foreign, Best of Venice and Florence in Rome

The data covers the entire year 2014: in comparison with other Italian cities, Venice and Rome, show a positive trend in all the values ​​taken into account, from arrivals in absolute terms the average daily expenditure of tourists. The only drawback, further reduction in the average stay in the bank of the Arno. È quanto emerge dallo studio di […]

“Il Fantasma di Canterville” fino a domenica al Teatro di Rifredi

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"The Canterville Ghost" until Sunday at Teatro Rifredi

On stage at the Teatro di Rifredi, until Sunday 29 March, the ironic and noir cameo English Lucia Poli, "The Canterville Ghost" by Oscar Wilde, Ugo Chiti from which drew a free adaptation scenic, so free from sottotitolarlo "According to Mrs. Umney". On stage, with actress Florentine, there will be Simone Faucci and Carlo […]

Scout CNGEI di Firenze alla Marcia della Memoria e dell’Impegno a Bologna

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Scout CNGEI of Florence to the March of Remembrance and Commitment in Bologna

There were also scout the lay of the Florentine CNGEI 21 March, Bologna, for XX March of Remembrance and Commitment organized by Libera. About 40, between cubs, Scouts, rover and leaders, departed early in the morning from Florence at a time the capital of Emilia, where they took part in the march organized by Libera. Mattia […]

“Novoli in a Day”, film collettivo sul Nord-Ovest di Firenze

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"Novoli in a Day", collective film on the North-West of Florence

You have until 3 April to become part of the film with an amateur video of 3 minutes. The collective work, which will contain the videos received, will be directed by Samuel Rossi and will be shown in theaters in Florence, tv e web “Guardati intorno e utilizza la tua videocamera, o un uno smartphone tablet, for […]

Giorgio Pagnini a Ganzo con “Verso il basso”

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George Pagnini Ganzo with "Down"

Ganzo, school restaurant and experiential educational workshop in Via dei Macci 85 / r host until 14 April, the exhibition of photographs taken by George Pagnini, entitled "Down". The exposure is visible from 12 at 24. Pagnini, he graduated in architecture in Florence where he lives and works. Born in Sardinia, but lives his […]

Appello per far rivivere “La Pippolese”, orchestra di strumenti a “pippolo”

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Appeal to revive "The Pippolese", orchestra "pippolo"

The cultural association "La Scena Muta" presents a challenge to all the musicians Florentine: riportare in vita “La Pippolese”, historical orchestra "pippolo" - slang name of the pick - born in the early twentieth century to the club SMS. Serpiolle, that performed folk music Florentine voice, mandolins, guitars and "square shaped". La Pippolese è stata un’orchestra […]

“La setta delle tre erre” di Stefano Uggé

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“The sect of the three Rs” Stefano Uggé

Hot, magic is adrenaline, that's how you present the new novel by Stephen Uggè, entitled "The cult of the three Rs", 394 pages of a story overwhelming that will pull you into an endless abyss of all actions related to each other, without their knowledge. Sandro, Annette, Catherine, Simone, Marshal Of Old, family of Chinese, Vincenzo, […]