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Il film kolossal “Cristiada” ritorna a Firenze il 30

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The blockbuster film "Cristiada” returns to Florence 30

After the great success of the first screening of the film "Cristiada", in Florence, on the occasion of the bicentennial of the birth of Don Giovanni Bosco, the 30 January at 21 the film will be projected again at the cinema hall of the Salesians They, in via del Ghirlandaio, 38, and the 31 at 21 at the cinema theater Salesians of […]

L’Archivio Storico del Comune

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The Historical Archive of the City

The Historical Archive of the City of Florence preserves, as core, all documents produced and received by the local Florentine from its origins to today. "A documentary heritage immense - underlines the President of the Culture and Sport Maria Federica Giuliani - who photographs and tells us about our city. A place that the Florentines should rediscover ". […]

Galleria dell’Accademia: targa per i Friends of Florence

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Accademia Gallery: targa per i Friends of Florence

It is from 2003 that the Foundation supports non-profit Friends of Florence and also supports the activities of the Accademia Gallery. To thank the valuable work done in all these years by the Foundation and to the sharing of intent, in agreement with the Superintendent, la Direzione del museo fiorentino ha deciso di apporre una targa ricordo nella Tribuna […]

Confcommercio: dare sostanza e contenuti alla riqualificazione dell’Oltrarno

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Confcommercio: give substance and content to the redevelopment of the Oltrarno

Oltrarno: il progetto di riqualificazione del Comune appare “con poca luce e molte ombre” ai commercianti della zona. This was revealed by a questionnaire distributed by Confcommercio Florence to a sample of operators in the area. To begin, the intervention, as "appreciable", is considered "incomplete". According to traders fail is in fact an "overall project", in […]

Paolo Fresco nuovo Presidente della Scuola di Musica di Fiesole

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Paolo Fresco new President of the School of Music in Fiesole

Paolo Fresco is the new President of the School of Music in Fiesole, lo ha annunciato il Sindaco di Fiesole, Anna Ravoni, which gave the delegation the illustrious countryman. The Advocate Fresh, former President of FIAT and manager of international renown, after spending most of his life abroad, elected his residence in Fiesole, where […]

Nuove tensioni nel matrimonio civile, se ne parla a Firenze

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New tensions in the civil marriage, he speaks in Florence

"New tensions in the civil marriage" is the theme of the international conference of the study to be held in Florence next Friday, 23 January at the Sala Banner of the Regional Council of Tuscany, Via Cavour 4. Among the topics of discussion the agony of civil marriage, legal recognition of cohabitation and new forms of conjugal, il ruolo […]

Il caso Nardini di Giuseppe Nardini

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The case of Giuseppe Nardini Nardini

The elements of a book that strike me during reading are always different: the pace, adjectives, dialogues, descriptions, details and so on. The last book I've had the pleasure of reading I was struck by his spontaneity, è scritto da Giuseppe Nardini e il titolo è “Il caso Nardini”. […]

Cardinale Betori: nelle carceri condizioni disumane

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Cardinal Betori: inhuman conditions in prisons

For Cardinal Giuseppe Betori "oppression and violation of human dignity take many forms in our society. Among them, the inhuman conditions faced by our prisons, which do not ensure the dignity of the person and the possibility of redemption to detainees ". “Si tratta – ha proseguito l’Arcivescovo di Firenze – di garantire condizioni di vita dignitosa […]

Umanesimo e carità, convegno Caritas sabato 24

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Humanism and charity, Caritas conference Saturday 24

"Jesus Christ the new humanism: the way of charity "is the theme of the conference diocesan Caritas, to be held Saturday 24 January to Calenzano, nel vicariato che in queste settimane accoglie la Visita pastorale del Cardinale Betori. The venue will be the space events St.Art, Via Garibaldi 7. “Il bisogno di un nuovo umanesimo - […]

Fino a domenica al Goldoni “l’Amerika” di Kafka

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Until Sunday at Goldoni "Amerika" Kafka

"Amerika" by Franz Kafka and Maurizio Scapparo inaugurate 2015 the Teatro Goldoni, at the rate of Yiddish melodies and jazz black Scott Joplin, with the translation and adaptation of Fausto Malcovati, per narrare la storia dell’emigrante Karl Rossmann, after the first successful edition of 2000. A story in music against all forms of discrimination, the […]