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Cooncertiamo: 60 eventi a sorpresa nei centri commerciali

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Cooncertiamo: 60 surprise events in shopping malls

Bandabardò, Tiziano Ferro, Orchestra of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Orchestra della Toscana, Alessandro Benvenuti, Paolo Poli, Sandro Veronesi, are just some of the guests of "Cooncertiamo", the initiative that, between January and February will bring in Malls Unicoop Florence, dozens of artists, singers, writers and cultural institutions. Events of value and quality, per una proposta che […]

A dicembre prezzi ancora in discesa a Firenze

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In December, prices still down in Florence

Continued decline in the index of consumer prices in Florence. For the sixth consecutive month, registering a minus inflation: the monthly change came on the fact -0,5 while in November was the -1%, while the annual change is the -0,7% (last month was the -0,2%). Down, compared to the previous month, the […]

Il Falstaff di Battiston e De Rosa alla Pergola

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The Falstaff Battiston and De Rosa to Pergola

Braggart, sbruffone, voracious, lively, furfante, Falstaff arrives on stage at the Teatro della Pergola accompanied by the powerful flexibility of Giuseppe Battiston, in the dual role of Sir John Falstaff and King Henry IV, on the score of dramaturgical Nadia Fusini, embellished by director Andrea De Rosa. A new creation that combines dramatic theater, philosophy, opera […]

“Il SOL ci ha dato alla testa”al Teatro di Rifredi

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"The SOL gave us the head" at the Teatro di Rifredi

The show Raphael Tullo, with Raphael Tullo, voice, Renato Ciardo, percussion, Vittorio Bruno, battery, Nicholas Pantaleo, contrabass, Francesco Pagliarulo, sax, bombardino e tromba, in collaboration with Music Pool, organization BAGS Entertainment, will be staged at the Teatro di Rifredi from 9 al 18 January. A new unmissable, for the first time in Florence Rimbamband: […]

Il Valico Edizioni: “L’Iris di Firenze, fiore e stemma della città”

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The Pass Edizioni: "The Iris of Florence, flower and emblem of the city "

Coinciding with the 2015 year of commemoration of Florence Capital of Italy, Valico Editions has made available for free and in full on books.google.it consultation in the electronic version of the book "The Iris of Florence, flower and emblem of the city - A reading botany Giglio Fiorentino, Alessandra Perugi. On the typographic, instead, la Casa […]

Il gennaio del teatro Puccini

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January theater Puccini

These shows scheduled in January at the Teatro Puccini in Florence: Saturday 10 January at 21 and Sunday 11 January at 16,45 "For large and Puccini, theater festival for children from 0 to 99 year old "; Catalyst presenta “I Musicanti di Brema” ("My Love Bremen"). Written and directed by Riccardo Lozenges, con Riccardo […]

CEI-Firenze 2015: è di 3 giovani fiorentini il logo scelto

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CEI-Florence 2015: is 3 young Florentines the logo chosen

It is the work of three young creative Florentine – Zeno Pacciani, Francesco and Andrea Minari Rate – that a few months have joined in a "creative farm" under the name of Borgoognissantitre, which is also the address of their study, the winner of the logo competition organized by the Italian Episcopal Conference for the National Congress that […]

“Terre di presepi”: un percorso di 70 km che attraversa la Toscana

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"Lands of cribs": a path of 70 km that crosses Tuscany

The Crib, despite someone, “false feel-good”, would like to remove it from the schools, never goes out of fashion, he becomes more and more a real attraction for families, groups, school, tourists. There were over 100 thousand, in past years, visitors of 10 Cribs that this year have created a network called "Lands of Cribs". An […]

Guida Flos Olei 2015: Fattoria di Ramerino nella Top 20 mondiale

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Guida Flower Oil 2015: Farm Ramerino the Top 20 mondiale

In recent days in Rome was presented the guide Flos Olei 2015, in which every year are reviewed Best 500 producers of extra virgin olive oil from around the world. This year the Farm Ramerino has received recognition as a "Top 20" in the category "Company of the heart", ovvero “azienda che si differenzia […]