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Papa Francesco trasferisce il Vescovo Maniago a nuova diocesi

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Papa Francesco moved to the new diocese, the Bishop Maniago

Pope Francis has transferred the Auxiliary Bishop of Florence, Mons. Claudio Maniago to another location, appointing him as the new Bishop of the Diocese of Castellaneta. The Diocese of Castellaneta was founded at the end of the eleventh century, is located in Puglia, covers approximately a thousand square kilometers, and counting 123.330 population divided into 35 parishes. And 'suffragan of Taranto. Since […]

Alle Cascine apre la Casa dell’Arno

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Opens the Arno at the Cascine House

Did you know that the Cascine is the House of the Arno ? The House, Arno has taken the dove “Permanent Address” is a space dedicated to the Florentine river, inquire where, learn, curiosity and discover resources, including economic, water that flows through the city. The house was conceived as a place open to all who want to learn […]

Al via i lavori per il nuovo Pronto Soccorso di Ponte a Niccheri

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Work begins for the new Emergency Department of Bridge Niccheri

At the end of the work, Florentines and a good part of the metropolitan area to the south of Florence will have another new Emergency Department of the Hospital Bridge Niccheri, one of the 5 points of health emergency of the Health of Florence: ben 5 mila metri quadri su due piani. Jobs, che dovrebbero iniziare il prossimo settembre, will cost 23 million euros, […]

L’Assessore Mantovani riceve l’Ambasciatore di Firenze in Messico

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Councillor Mantovani receives the Ambassador of Mexico in Florence

Interview with Franco Mariani all’ Florentine ambassador in Mexico, Fabio Caselli, President of the Academy of Music in Florence, a few days ago he returned to Italy to meet with the neo Councillor for International Relations of the City of Florence Nicoletta Mantovani. Frank Mariani shooting. Mariani Franco Dal number 26 – The Year of 09/07/2014

A Firenze nasce Piazza Enrico Berlinguer

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In Florence was born Piazza Enrico Berlinguer

Firenze is a martedì 8 July, a square named after Enrico Berlinguer, one of the fathers of the Italian left. The area under the new name that is in the area of ​​the Stadio Franchi, opposite the entrance to the municipal swimming pool Paul Costoli, with access from Via Pasquale Paoli and Viale Manfredo Fanti, generally where they park the cars going in these structures […]

Florence Byke Night: passeggiata cicloturistica notturna per la città

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Florence Byke Night: cycling night walk through the city

After the great success of the 2013, with approximately 800 participants and conduct the event in four other Italian cities, Bologna, Messina, Novara, Rome, returns to Florence 10 luglio Florence Byke Night, organized by the National Association of Giglio Friend with Blue and Olympic Athletes of Italy and the Italian Federation of Friends of the Bicycle) Una pedalata […]

Il Carcere: prima, dentro e dopo secondo Casa Caciolle

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The Prison: first, in and after the second house Caciolle

The Opera Madonnina del Grappa has hosted and organized, together with the Association House Caciolle, the seminar "Prison: first, in and dopo ", with the aim to focus attention on the mechanisms that lead to crime and imprisonment, well as the quality and conditions of life that still characterize those detained, and perspectives that can […]

3 Luglio: lutto cittadino per le due morti delle Cascine

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3 July: national mourning for two dead delle Cascine

Il Sindaco Dario Nardella ha deciso di proclamare il lutto cittadino per i tragici eventi dello scorso 27 giugno alle Cascine, che ha determinato la morte di due vite umane, la zia Donatella e la piccola Alice, di soli due anni, morte a causa della caduta improvvisa di un ramo di un albero. Ieri il Sindaco ha firmato l’ordinanza […]

Da sabato 5 luglio al via i saldi estivi

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From Saturday 5 July starts the summer sales

At the start, Saturday 5 July in Florence the summer sales. After another season of lean traders are hoping that the slight increase of confidence on the part of consumers is heard finally on receipts. Federica Grassini, President Federmoda Confcommercio Tuscany says "Sales in general for the summer season this year have suffered an average decline of […]

Sempre più fiorentini emigrano all’estero

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More and more people migrate abroad

From 2000 to date are 5.277 the Florentines who have transferred their residence abroad. A real “brain drain”: in only 2013 Florentines were transferred abroad 590, in 2000 were 307. In 14 years the favorite destinations were the United States (724), the United Kingdom (638), France (485), Switzerland (400). […]