“By train near Dante” Fabio Sciarpelletti

1 recensioneDear reader you know that type of book that can not miss in your library?

Here, Today we'll talk about a novel that you will need to buy, that devour in just two hours because the story is so beautiful that you almost make you forget all the commitments that you should have done when reading.

"Traveling to Dante" is the novel in question written by Fabio Sciarpelletti, writer by profession but a vocation. The story is compelling and mesmerizing: Federico, successful man, receives a text message in the middle of the night, one of his best friends, David, committed suicide because of his homosexuality, and this episode will ensure that he will have to meet again with his former partner after 9 year absence. What's more, Federico, Geneva, Paolo Manfredi and will receive a message after the death of David with an epilogue in common to solve.

A wonderful novel, recommended to anyone.

Fabio explains that this novel considers the total result of sudden inspiration. After "The Horizon of truth" was doing research because he had in mind a new job, voleva scrivere una storia su una figura femminile e si stava informando su alcune bambine scomparse nel nord America. Poi all’improvviso è arrivato il ciclone che lo ha portato a scrivere in meno di quattro mesi “In Treno Vicino a Dante”.

The first draft was knocked out of the entire cast and that is why it is so smooth. "It all began by chance - says the author - One night I went to bed early and I was surfing on my facebook profile. Vedo postata una mia foto di quando ero bambino e un commento di un amica dei miei genitori. La frase mi ha spaventato un po’, said something like I WILL REMEMBER AS ', seemed almost a tribute in memory of a deceased. Da who incipit, then the whole network has matured very quickly page after page ".

I put a few questions to the author.

There are autobiographical?

"Do Not, I think not, anche se ognuno dei quattro protagonisti è portavoce di alcune mie visioni del mondo. Però in sincerità ti confido che tutta la storia così introspettiva ed psicologicamente motivante non sarebbe nata se non avessi frequentato per alcuni mesi una terapia di gruppo psichiatrica. Io l’ho fatto da accompagnatore-spettatore ma i problemi di quelle persone erano reali . Le loro storie così complicate si sono rimodulate nella psiche dei miei personaggi”.

Because the issue of homosexuality?

"The answer is linked precisely to this experience. One day into the studio where it was therapy, a boy who had never seen. When the doctor has given the word , introduced himself and confided to the group that had been missing for a while 'time because he had attempted suicide. Quel ragazzo non riusciva a vivere poiché il mondo da cui veniva non accettava la sua omosessualità. Especially in the family the subject had been a taboo since the first confidences and attractions to boys of the same sex. On his birthday he fled to a place where he could be alone, because that day for him was cursed, the day he was not born a woman ".

Brewing some other work?

"I would say so, since the mind of the writer and an artist in general is always on the move. Someone more famous than me said 'How do I explain to my wife that when I look out the window I'm working?'". I'm currently writing The Protector of the Angels, a story told in the first person in which the main character is a 'social worker who is struggling with the disappearance of three girls. Il problema è che l’ultima persona ad averle viste risulta proprio lei. All three, with difficult family situations, were followed by his office, which becomes the object of investigations and searches up to the point of no return , perché all’improvviso a scomparire sarà Ludovica, his daughter ".

Eleonora Marseille

Blog Eleonora Marsella

By the number 54 - Year II 04/03/2015

To purchase the new novel by Fabio Sciarpelletti its Amazon