Interview with Prof. Paolo Blasi – Avepro

paolo blasiProf . Paolo Blasi was a member of the Board of Governors of the Bank of Italy, Member of the Board of the United Nations University, Member of the Comité National d'evaluation (CNE).

Formerly Professor of General Physics, in the Faculty of mathematical sciences, Physics and natural sciences and Rector of the University of Florence from 1991 al 2000. President of the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI) from 1994 al 1998. Member of the Board of the International Association of Universities from the 1995 al 2004 e membro dell’European Research Advisory Board dal 2001 al 2004.

His scientific research has focused on the properties of the atomic nucleus and the relationship between nuclei.

Awarded the honorary title of Doctor of Letters from Humanae New York University in 1997 and the University of Arizona in 2003. Awarded the Sir Harold Acton Award from New York University in 2000. Honored with the award of the title of Chevalier de l'Ordre National de la Legion d'Honneur by the President of the French Republic in 2000.

It can be considered the father of the agency of the Holy See for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (AVEPRO), erected by Pope Benedict XVI Letter of 19 September 2007.

And 'member of the Board of Directors for papal appointment from October 2009.

AVEPRO is an institution connected with the Holy See, under Articles. 186 and 190-191 of the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus. The task of the Agency is to promote and develop a culture of quality within the academic institutions directly dependent on the Holy See and ensure their quality criteria valid at the international level.

The accession of the Holy See to the Bologna Process - which took place on 19 September 2003 during the meeting of Ministers of Education of the European Union in Berlin - was also determined by the need to pursue and achieve some objectives set as part of the Bologna Process, among which:

  • Compared to the specificity and diversity of the university system;
  • Creating a common space of higher education which promotes the involvement of university institutions in an international dimension;
  • Attention to quality as a core value and need for research and innovation in the university.

The Agency shall cooperate with academic institutions in the definition of procedures for internal evaluation of teaching quality, in research, services, through the development and use of appropriate operational tools (Guidelines, questionnaires, databases, information networks, etc.). Schedule, in addition to, procedures for the external evaluation of individual academic institutions, arranging visits of experts on site.

Respecting the autonomy in which it operates, The Agency works in partnership with all stakeholders in the life and progress of ecclesiastical universities and faculties: the institutions themselves, The Congregation for Catholic Education, episcopal conferences, all international authorities, national and regional authorities and all those who work in the various dioceses of the countries where they are established ecclesiastical academic institutions.

Prof. Blasi, she is part of AVEPRO, rating agency of the Holy See on the University, but today if this agency is active it is because she. Come and when born Avepro?

"In the 2003 I was summoned to the Vatican by Cardinal Grocholewski to explain to a group of Cardinals, What was in the Bologna Process to which I was directly involved as President of the Italian Conference of Rectors and as Vice-President of the European. A long relationship, about 2 hours, What was explained to them in this process, because the Cardinals were interested in understanding whether the Vatican was also helpful that came in the Bologna Process. This positive decision matured a bit 'of time and after, enter the Bologna Process, also meant accepting what were the requirements, that is to have regular evaluations for the SAIs of the Vatican. It then, was born AVEPRO so that the Agency for the Assessment of Catholic Universities in Europe and have been called to be part of the Steering. The Board meets once a year and has drawn the lines that must be followed by universities for self-assessment. Quest'autovalutazione, is then evaluated by experts who are appointed from time to time and they do a report that is reported to AVEPRO. E 'was recognized that the Vatican is behaving like the other countries, so this helps especially student mobility between university and the other, with benefits for both the public and the Catholic University ".

What struck you in particular its special mission of this Vatican?

"I have also participated as an expert evaluation of the Catholic Institute of Paris, which is in fact a university, although after Napoleon can not speak of Catholic Universities in France, and it was very interesting because on one hand this Institute in the course of Canon Law, Theology etc., and Philosophy, are followed by many students who are enrolled at another university. What I've noticed, is that it is a need for greater integration between the Philosophy, the Theological, Economy, etc.. Here, I think this is just a specific task of Catholic Universities ".

She who in the university world is a recognized authority, what hopes, Also as a Catholic, in this area for the Catholic Church and the Holy See?

"I believe that it is important, from a cultural point of view, above all, that man is considered a human person in all its dimensions, so not only in the economic dimension or communicative, but also in the spiritual. The reconstitution of the unity of the human person, is according to me, a step punctual is very important because in the world, i assert fondanti, be reaffirmed and so I hope that the commitment of the Holy See is never less, but rather is always more strengthened, also bringing the two thousandth anniversary of his contribution to human,social and scientific ".

Frank Mariani

By the number 1 – The Year of 15/01/2014