Holy Spirit illuminates with the third edition of Bright House

dimora luminosa basilica santo spiritoL’istituto Europeo di Design lancia la “call” per illuminare la facciata della Basilica di Santo Spirito, che sarà colorata e disegnata non solo dai designer professionisti ma anche dagli anziani delle residenze, by kindergarten children and the disabled social cooperatives.

"Generations and Beyond. Tre stadi della vita” è il tema della 3 edizione di “Dimora Luminosa”, the event which will be held from 13 December to 6 gennaio p.v. grazie alla quale la Basilica sarà illuminata dai disegni che saranno inviati via email entro il 28 novembre secondo le istruzioni sul sito www.ied.it/firenze.

This year's theme is a call, a call, to draw and take possession of the facade of the Holy Spirit open to all ages: from children to teenagers, from age to seniors, to re-interpret the facade from the points of view of an entire generation.

The third edition of Bright House is held as part of the festival F-Light 2014, ed è organizzata dall’Istituto Europeo di Design, da The Fake Factory in collaborazione con Ocarina, an mp3 player for children 'made in Florence'.

"This edition - said Alessandro Colombo, Director of IED Florence - starts from the bottom and makes it that people can take possession of a monument in a non-antagonistic but participatory. Children are invited to participate, teens, grown ups, professional and non-elderly. Ordinary people as a clean façade of the Holy Spirit is the soul of this cultural project involved. A place for all ages where vision, knowledge, the stories and the sharing of living spaces to people of all generations becoming the key words of this course ".

Starting with an homage to the now famous project by Mario Mariotti, The screenings will take place every evening at dusk: both graphic and moving images, will be projected for the duration of 30 seconds.

The facade of the church will become a blank canvas, a tool for all creative people who want to try to experiment and interpret the new visual languages ​​in a contemporary version.

The event has been joined by many organizations working in social work with disabled, seniors who will be actively involved with their projects for the facade.

They joined the cooperative social Curtain; The Cooperative Source; The Mosaic Center; A.N.G.S.A. (National Parents Association Subjects Autistic); Residenza il Giglio; “Abitare Solidale – Houser”; Villa Santa Monica Scandicci (residence for the elderly); Nursery Puss in Boots (Florence); Don Minzoni asylum Comunale di Firenze and the Primary School Collodi (Pisa).

"The proposal to illuminate the basilica of the Holy Spirit - said Silvano Di Geronimo, Director of Rsa Il Giglio (Uls 10 in Florence) - Has been met with much enthusiasm because it promotes socialization and fellowship between hotel guests, stimulates their imagination and above all makes them participants in a project for the community regardless of age. This is one more opportunity to involve older people instead of excluding them as often happens in our society ".

Participation in the project is free.

All projects must be submitted no later than the 23:59 of 28 November to the email address: contest_firenze@ied.edu - Mail object: GENERATIONS AND BEYOND // BEYOND GENERATIONS.

You can submit projects for group / corporate / school classes.

For more info: sara.rosati@ied.it | m.sereni@ied.it; IED Firenze; Via M. Bufalini 6/r telefono 055/29821.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 40 – The Year of 19/11/2014